Ducting/Ventilation: Is it essential?


Active Member
Im going to be growing 3 plants in my cupboard, its about 1.3 metres length, about 0.9 metres wide and about 0.5 deep.

I have no way of ducting because my cupboard isnt near anything apart from my front window.

Cutting through the ceiling into the loft is a no no... sooo am i really screwed?
I'll be growing with a 200watt envirolite maybe with some cfls for supplementary lighting. Is venting nessecary?

There must be some of you guys who have a small grow box that dont vent?

Is the only advantage getting rid of the smell because i can just use a normal fan and blow it through a carbon filter or do the plants need a constant supply of fresh air?

I dont mind opening a window once in a while, its next to a window.

Well your thoughts will be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
after ventilation with intake and exaust i noticed in 24 hours a great change in color it was a much darker green in all the leaves it lookd much richer and started 2 fill out a lil faster than with stagnent air and if u have stagnet air and hum% above 45 you are gunna have a problem with mold and sum diffrent types of bugs starting 2 hatch sum come in your soil when its 2 wet and some when its 2 dry u have 2 have that happy medium of moisture under the surface of your soil


I have grown with and without fresh air in, ventilation out, and I can't stress enough how big of a difference having it has on your plants. I wont grow again without it. It would be a waste of money and time now that I've seen the difference. Figure something out, you've got to have fresh air in and vent out. Also, when you vent out, it's better to have the fan on the other side of the room pulling the air out if possible.