dual layer scrog


Active Member
after looking at severl scrog grows on here i was wondering if it would be possible to have a 2 layer scrog...if you have a screen at the bottom say with 5 plants in the scrog with another screen above with 5 more plants growing across the bottom of the upper screen with the leaves pulled up through the screen leaving the buds tied under the screen then have 4 x 600 hps cool tube running inbetween the the 2 screens.......
would the plants in the upper level grow towards the light or would they still try and grow up through the screen........

so what do you all think....all help and advice welcome....many thank:idea:s


Well-Known Member
never seen it done quite like that... there was a guy on overgrow that had some cool setups with screens and fluoros... huge light racks, lowered right onto the canopy, and he had a big grow box that had 3 layers of plants,screens,fluoro racks....

another idea would be to have a circular screen around the bulbs, and put the plants on each side of the screen on the outside and weave them in so the buds at the top reach up and into the circle...


Active Member
yes m8 have seen the tubular type scrog done but have yet to see it done the way i was thinking......realy want to try it but i dont have much exp and am scared that the reason i havnt seen it done my way is that it cant be done for whatever reason......or mabye its just a crap idea