Dual Arc or HPS for flower?


Well-Known Member
I have a 6' x 10' x 8' room.. Was thinking of going with 2x 600w HPS in Radant 8's, but now have decided on 2x 1000w raptors and hortilux dual arc bulbs for full spectrum. Ballast will be Phantoms

Has anyone tried these bulbs, and seen any difference, or much from the super HPS?


Dual arc bulbs are an awesome concept but the amount of lumens that are let out is far less compared to HPS bulbs (about 1/3 i think). So the weight of your overall yield will be much lighter but the potency, flavor and smell is said to be much greater! Although i have had friends who have tried the expensive Dual arcs and CFH's and they said they didn't notice much difference. But then again there are others that swear by them and many who say they work miracles. So its full of annoying mixed opinions. But personally i think Dual Arcs will work better, but if you are looking to sell not smoke as much then i'd go HPS for more bud weight.

Until i see a comparison of the two and maths i personally stick with HPS as you are garenteed to get a great harvest :)

Hope i helped :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your awnser, but thought i'd clarify a little detail.... lumens has no direct relationship to the effectiveness of the bulbs or your final weight. lumens has no relationship with your plants, its PAR watts that you must pay attention too.. Its still SO annoying that bulb companies don't switch to PAR ratings on their boxes.

For example look at the Hotilux Blue 1000 and the hortilux MH 1000. The MH spectrum chart looks like any ordinary MH, yet the Blues spectrum colors BLOWS it out of the water with an insane change in the blues and more colors across the board, yet it has less lumen output, therefore meaning it runs cooler as well.