Drying & smell


Active Member
How can I dry my buds after harvest and keep the smell down?

My idea would be to take the carbon filter and fan out of my flowering room and use the filter as a scrubber for 3-5 days until the buds are dry. I've also read that a dehydrator works well and doesn't overly dry if it's placed on the floor in a closet. But that would leave the flowering plants I just put in my flowering tent without a filter and an exhaust fan. There is a small fan in the flowering tent.

Any ideas?


Active Member
I wouldn't use the dehydrator method. They will dry fast, and be smokable, but they will never be able to achieve the same taste and quality as properly dryed and cured bud.

You can build fairly cheap dryers that work really well. You take a rubber maid container and build removable shelves. Depending on the size of your harvest a 40 gallon container with 2 or 3 shelves should suffice. The shelves should have a solid frame but have a screen floor. Leave a four or five inch gap between the bottom of the container and your first shelf. Use a PC fan, some PVC, and loose carbon to create a mini carbon scrubber that will create negative pressure and some air flow through the buds. Keep a hydrometer in the container to make sure the humidity doesn't get too low. You can probably build the whole thing in a few hours and for only $60 bucks or so. It will last a hell of a long time and give you a great dry.