Drying question


Well-Known Member
So normally I would dry outside my flower room in a few cardboard boxes and its the tits but I want to build a screen to go under my plants in the flower room because there is 2 feet of space I could dry my buds. They would be out of the light and almost in total darkness. The temp stays between 64-68 under there and the humidity is between 40-55 So it's the perfect conditions and I would contain all the smell. Does anyone see a problem that I may be overseeing if I do this?
The plants are on tables so that's all good.


Well-Known Member
Are your plants on a shelf or something?
The only thing I would be worried about is the possibility of dripping water or nutes on your drying bud.


Well-Known Member
the plants are sitting on trays so there is no way of getting the buds wet. I may be able to bring the humidity down a bit by increasing fan speed but that will also lower my temps down to about 72ish for the plants up top.