DRYING question


Active Member
sweet deal man i am gonna harvest this saturday i am pretty stoked and nervous at the same time cause alot can still go wrong.the buds r nice and solid so light was no prob.i have 1 question though how do i get it to actualy smell like killer weed and not jus like a wet plant thanx for ne info


Well-Known Member
do i have to take em out of the jar,i hate to handle them too much,or is it enough just to open the jar
lololol sounds like your scared of your weed lol i love touching,smelling,eating,drinking and smoking weed don;t be scared my friend

Hey man not trying to tell you what to do but if I were you I would take them out of the jar instead of just taking the top off. After a few days of being in jars, the ones at the bottom are going to be more DAMP than the ones that are on top of the pile. Dampness is where the mold comes from. What you need to do is just dump the jar out onto a book or some newspaper and make sure that the ones that are at the top get rotated to the bottom and vice versa. For anybody that lives someplace with high humidity it's very advisable to take them out of the jars periodically for that first couple of weeks. Even if you don't live in a humid environment you should still take them out though. You'll know when to stop dumping them out by the smell. When they start smelling like they're supposed to that's when you can stop dumping them out the jars. Peace!

Edit: Also you don't have to dump them out everyday, you can do it every other day or so and that should be good


Active Member
hey man i was laughing at the guy that started this thread he said hes scared to handle his bud not me read the whole forum before u correct me goof


Well-Known Member
hey man i was laughing at the guy that started this thread he said hes scared to handle his bud not me read the whole forum before u correct me goof

Well I had read the entire thread, something a lot of people don't do on these types of forums, and after writing what I did, I saw that it wasn't you that asked the question initially, but someone you were replying to. My bad for that little mistake, I was just being lazy by not editing it to address the right person. But with that said, there's no need to call me names or anything I was just trying to help. Whatever...its the weekend and its almost harvest day so I'm not pressed by too much right now. TGIF to everyone, have a great weekend and stay safe! Peace!