drying in COlorado


Well-Known Member
any of you from CO? how do you deal with the dryness of the state.. last grow my shit dried in 1-2 days... this time i have put a bowl of water in the dry box hope it will work shooting for 4-5 days drying


Well-Known Member
damn 2 days??? ur shit must have been airey has fuck.. and u must live in a super dry area.... co springs?


Well-Known Member
no check out the buds they were thick!!!! when this harvested the Humidity pretty much was 10-20% in the state

i'm from Boulder



Well-Known Member
no check out the buds they were thick!!!! when this harvested the Humidity pretty much was 10-20% in the state

i'm from Boulder
they were undwr cfl they couldnt have been that thick.... grab urself a coupe 1000 watters or grow under the full sun ad ull see what thick is... 2 days thats super fast.... bet they tasted all chloaphlly and grassy at first huh?


Well-Known Member
dude i got 5 ounces DRY off 2, 2 foot plants the top buds were thick as hell, the lower ones obviously wern't .. you put enough CFL's in it acts like a 800 w HPS it just doesn't penetrate the lower branches, my set up just doesnt' allow HPS, too hot plus my electic bill only goes up 15.00 a month!!!. i've grown with both for over 20 years, and found that the CFL's work almost as well if you get enough and get em in close.

I had a fan but its attached to the box and is blowing out. so there is slight negative pressure and a slight breeze...

here is my last harvest drying. But i really just posted this to see other peeps drying process in CO



Your buds look just fine, it's just one of those things you have to deal with. The water bowl might help to keep humidity up. This past summer mine dried hanging in only 2 days as well then I put in plastic bags with holes inside another paper bag to slow the process some and it helps with the cure some. This winter you should be fine letting them hang for 4-5 days then start your cure . Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Your buds look just fine, it's just one of those things you have to deal with. The water bowl might help to keep humidity up. This past summer mine dried hanging in only 2 days as well then I put in plastic bags with holes inside another paper bag to slow the process some and it helps with the cure some. This winter you should be fine letting them hang for 4-5 days then start your cure . Good luck!

thanks man! do you use paper bag at all? i hear it helps in a dry state.. (and yes that happened this past summer)


Well-Known Member
Check the RH of your room. I've seen 5 days but not 2. Anywhho, as long as ur stoned who cares.
well i don't want my stuff smelling and tasting like hay. all the time invested i want its fullest potential. also are you in Colorado? its super dry here, desert climate


Well-Known Member
In Boulder here bro... don't use a fan like people in most states. Too dry here, don't need it. My stuff dries in 3-4 days before ready for the next step. I do the rest of my drying in the jar, I just burp or keep the lid off a lot more than other people would for the first couple days. Sometimes I put a piece of paper on top of the jar, kind of a different take on paper bagging them. As long as it dries slower as it should, then you can really start to cure in the jars when it's ready. That's the key, right? Doesn't matter where it happens, just that it happens at the right rate.

I just harvested a plant last night around this time and it's not at all crispy on the edges. Pretty moist still. I keep it in a small space with almost no airflow, bud is enclosed on 3 sides, but the door is open. You really don't want that dry high desert air flowing across your buds 24/7 or they will turn to dust. I have a hard time keeping them moist when I open the jars for normal usage. Oh well, such a hard life up here in the sunny mountains, eh?

I used to live in a much more humid state many years ago, total swamp compared to here, had to worry about mold and bud rot. lol. Not here unless you really screw up.

Hope that helps. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Also, nice harvest man. CFLs are legit, get em close and burn those leaf tips. :mrgreen:

Home Depot in Boulder has a nice selection of bulbs, McGuckins has good dirt, nutes, and everything else. Love that place. Really, there's a ton of places in this town for organics, hydro, whatever. You can't drive anywhere more than 5 minutes with your windows down without smelling weed from somewhere. Now it's legal... oh man.

Just picked up (at Home Deep-pot) 3x 300 watt(68 watt equivalent - 4200 lumens) for about $17 each. They are big, size of a damn grapefruit, great for small spaces because they seem to give off about the same heat as the 100 watt(23w) that are the size of regular bulbs. I don't monitor everything exactly, but I watch the plants and they didn't hate it at all. Really kicked up the grow for about the same space, about the same heat output it seems but as I said I'm not a scientist. :neutral:


Im in colorado, i have a humidifyer in my dryin area! lol! i try to keep it around 50-55% RH, its been 2 days now and they still have some dryin to do seems to work well.


Well-Known Member
In Boulder here bro... don't use a fan like people in most states. Too dry here, don't need it. My stuff dries in 3-4 days before ready for the next step. I do the rest of my drying in the jar, I just burp or keep the lid off a lot more than other people would for the first couple days. Sometimes I put a piece of paper on top of the jar, kind of a different take on paper bagging them. As long as it dries slower as it should, then you can really start to cure in the jars when it's ready. That's the key, right? Doesn't matter where it happens, just that it happens at the right rate.

I just harvested a plant last night around this time and it's not at all crispy on the edges. Pretty moist still. I keep it in a small space with almost no airflow, bud is enclosed on 3 sides, but the door is open. You really don't want that dry high desert air flowing across your buds 24/7 or they will turn to dust. I have a hard time keeping them moist when I open the jars for normal usage. Oh well, such a hard life up here in the sunny mountains, eh?

I used to live in a much more humid state many years ago, total swamp compared to here, had to worry about mold and bud rot. lol. Not here unless you really screw up.

Hope that helps. :bigjoint:

I'm in Boulder too man!! yeah this TOTALLY helps! thanks for all the info.. that is pretty much what i needed to hear.. i had one of the buds break off from me movign it around and have it drying in a shoe box with a small hole so far its drying slower then the stuff i've tried before, no fan and i have a small jar of water in it. i figure if i can get it to the next step in 4 days then it should be fine


Well-Known Member
Im in colorado, i have a humidifyer in my dryin area! lol! i try to keep it around 50-55% RH, its been 2 days now and they still have some dryin to do seems to work well.

yeah i have a jar of water in and will probably use a bowl of water when i do the whole plant

thanks for the info!


Well-Known Member
Also, nice harvest man. CFLs are legit, get em close and burn those leaf tips. :mrgreen:

Home Depot in Boulder has a nice selection of bulbs, McGuckins has good dirt, nutes, and everything else. Love that place. Really, there's a ton of places in this town for organics, hydro, whatever. You can't drive anywhere more than 5 minutes with your windows down without smelling weed from somewhere. Now it's legal... oh man.

Just picked up (at Home Deep-pot) 3x 300 watt(68 watt equivalent - 4200 lumens) for about $17 each. They are big, size of a damn grapefruit, great for small spaces because they seem to give off about the same heat as the 100 watt(23w) that are the size of regular bulbs. I don't monitor everything exactly, but I watch the plants and they didn't hate it at all. Really kicked up the grow for about the same space, about the same heat output it seems but as I said I'm not a scientist. :neutral:

yeah dude! i got most my lights frmo that home depot, got my nutes frmo this place out by Effrins and some from the kandy shop. i'll post more pics just hit 60 days today for the blue dream.. got the clone frmo 14er holistics!!


Active Member
I cut fan leafs and hang the whole plant until outsides of bud is dry if you cut the stem off and dry, it dries fast. This helps. Don't blow fan directly on plant. (west slope) Good Luck


Active Member
I also live in Colorado.

Most people do not understand just how frigging dry it is here !

What would take a week in other parts of the country only takes a a couple of days here. Even a cola that weighs an ounce would turn to powder in a week.

I dry in cardboard boxes ( wires strung across the inside to hang branches and colas ) and open and seal the box as needed.

Slows drying way down !

Now I get a more even dry...

Then I can start jarring and curing.

You can not just hang dry in Colorado unless you have a humidifier.

Cardboard boxes for the win !


Well-Known Member
I also live in Colorado.

Most people do not understand just how frigging dry it is here !

What would take a week in other parts of the country only takes a a couple of days here. Even a cola that weighs an ounce would turn to powder in a week.

I dry in cardboard boxes ( wires strung across the inside to hang branches and colas ) and open and seal the box as needed.

Slows drying way down !

Now I get a more even dry...

Then I can start jarring and curing.

You can not just hang dry in Colorado unless you have a humidifier.

Cardboard boxes for the win !
yeah I have a wardrobe box and a humidifier to dry .... I tested the cola that broke in a sealed shoebox. And it dried in 4 days. What a difference. So yeah gonna monitor the rh this time at 50 to55.