drying and curing techniques


Active Member
so drying and curing is something im kinda scared about come harvest...i want everything to be right. if anyone can just share some techniques that would be cool.

but a question i have to ask is what is the right humidity for drying?


Well-Known Member
You need to harvest your plant after several days with no water. The you need to hang them in a cool dark place with low humidity less than 50%. Let them hang until the stem almost snaps when you try to break it. If it still bends (instead of snapping) its still too moist. You also need moving air, but not directly on the plants. After about a week they should be ready for final trimming and curing. The time all depends on snap or bend.
Curing takes about a month. You need to trim your plants up and get rid of all the stemmage. Then place in air tight jars. Burp the jars twice a day for the first week, once a day for the 2nd week, every other day for the third week, then maybe once the fourth week. It would help if you did a gentle shake before or during each burping to ensure new air flow around your nuggs.

These two processes are only a recommendation and varies with each person and the different conditions. Alot of it depends on several factors and after doing this a few times, you'll understand what I am trying to say.


Active Member
ya i read that...i was just asking for personal opinion. i could care less about fdd hes too into himself

.thnks boneman that helps