Dry herb, vape pen recommendations anyone?

Im looking to buy a dry herb vape pen thats easy to use, easy to clean, stealth, and most important.. gets you high. Have been looking at 3 kinds so far...

1. Ploom Pax - heard nothing but good things bout this, is it worth it for the price? Looks sharp to..
2. Magic Flight Launch Box - not as stylish or stealth as the pax, looks like it'd work fine.
3. Atmos Raw - Haven't seen the best reviews on this (combustion problems), although it designed well, and can do concentrates (if wanted)

Are there any others I should be considering?
Can any users of the 3 above give me a quick review about their experience using the vapes?



Well-Known Member
i have a pax and it's quite worth it. each strain i've used with this, you can taste each one.
og kush and blue cheese were the best ones i've had with this device, very delicious.
i use it after every blunt, for that extra bit of high.

it's best to clean it every 3-5 uses (real simple). you won't be disappointed with that product.
as for the other two, i've never tried them before, so i can't say.
Thanks, I've definitely been leaning towards the pax. How is the high if you were to vape it starting sober? I heard its some what different then smoking and that is doesn't last as long, any truth to that? Also, roughly how much bud can you pack in at a time? Does it work well with kief?


Well-Known Member
it might take one about 2-3 ten second inhales to get the high to kick in. depending what you have, the high will last for awhile.
and you can pack a little higher than a gram (about 1.5) in the chamber and that should last up to about 6 inhales before dumping it out.


I have a Pax I never use it. It works as advertised and I seem to use less product but it's just not the same as smoking to me.


Well-Known Member
I have a Davinci Ascent. It vapes dry herb very well, but as mentioned the high isn't the same as combusting a joint. Even when vaping at different temps I still can not get the same high as smoking. I'm not saying its a bad thing , it's just a different high. It's fine when I'm in the mood for that type of high, usually a more energetic, uplifting high, IMO. Maybe other types of vaporizers would be able to give the same high as a smoking, I don't know. The Ascent is my first vaporizer so I dont have much experience with other vaporizers.
I love our pax . stuff it tight and you get a joint worth oh hits out of it. Add a little wax to your weed and it works nice. Still hard to beat a nice fatty, But you can use it in public almost anywhere. -------mike


I have a MFLB and love it. It's small enough that you can hide it in the palm of your hand, gives tasty vapor, and is much cheaper than the Pax. The MFLB also smells much less than the Pax due to the fact that the herb is only heated while you're hitting the unit, as opposed to continual heating by the Pax. It's also really efficient on bud.