Dry And Bored


Active Member
Well I'm bored as f*** right now and I'm dry (been completely dry for almost a month) I am also broke and have no gas in my bike so cant leave the house or get some bud. Well just post random ass stuff I can entertain myself with.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Build a house of cards....I know the feeling bro, just think about how nice it will be the next time you smoke...if i take a forced break for say a month, i always buy reggos cause it blows me out..after a week of that i am back to medi-grade because my tolerance


Go out and start a revolution brother. Love and it shall return in multiples. Go on the street with a peace and love sign, sit down and play the guitar or hum in a kazoo to the rythme of give peace a chance, or better yet anything by rage against the machine. I bet you'll score some free smoke by the end of the day.