Drug testing


Well-Known Member
I can only assume he thought the patient was a dealer. Being jammed full of meds would prove other wise.
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Well-Known Member
Wcb doesn't know anything about this yet and they will only know anything after the fact. I have found that the best way to deal with WCB at this stage of the game. I had gone into on an unrelated matter and he realized that he had shorted me my morph until the next appt. That's when he asked me for a urine sample then lied and told me it was SOP for patients on opiates. That's when I took the chance and said he was lying. Trust me when I say that they don't want me wasting resources by going to emerg for whatever I need. I just want this guy to admit he was vindictive and apologize. He was wrong and he fucked up.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell ya - nothing turns a country doctor into an irritated little prig as fast as some big city pain specialist putting someone on a hardcore meds regimen, and then ordering the country doc to continue filling the scripts at the required levels. They get their panties in a knot right quick.


Well-Known Member
I assume because at the end of the day he still needs his prescription. That kind of places you in a nasty position of having to debase yourself by complying as he's got you hardcore addicted to the product he's pushing.

This reminds me of a fraudulent hack pot doctor that got me into the mmar with a little green in his palm. He was having all of his pot patients pee in a cup. "But that's not a requirement of the MMAR... why are you treating us like assumed criminals". Because it reinforces his act of being a responsible fraudulent hack pot doctor, and if you wanted to be "legal" he was your only choice.
Sounds like that quack from Hamilton.


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm from Hamilton ( not bragging either )...it only takes one doc to taint them all...just kidding...actually, my reg doc is pretty good....let's me rant about how shitty the system is but I believe she doesn't want to see me suffer either.


Well-Known Member
Born in Hamilton....ahhh had to move as a child due to severve pollution causing 3-5 asthma attacks and hospital visits per week. As for MMAR+Hamilton...i got my 1st license from Dr Kamerman in a hotel conferance room lol


Well-Known Member
He was from Hamilton? God I'm so out of the loop.
No, he was from Coe Hill,ON. He did travelling clinics all across Canada. He got busted for signing in Nova Scotia and signed a few under cover RCMP agents (so rumour has it atleast) and ya all the patient files were taken in a raid at his clinic in Coe Hill, i cant say enough good about Rob Kamerman, older hippyish gentleman with a long pony tail. Everyone i saw come from the viewing area he gave a big huge too and said "get better brother/sister i hope everything works well for you" probably the best hamilton ever offered me :p


Well-Known Member
Wcb doesn't know anything about this yet and they will only know anything after the fact. I have found that the best way to deal with WCB at this stage of the game. I had gone into on an unrelated matter and he realized that he had shorted me my morph until the next appt. That's when he asked me for a urine sample then lied and told me it was SOP for patients on opiates. That's when I took the chance and said he was lying. Trust me when I say that they don't want me wasting resources by going to emerg for whatever I need. I just want this guy to admit he was vindictive and apologize. He was wrong and he fucked up.
Sorry, but that isn't likely to happen. Doctors have elevated themselves to a position of authority and control over us peons and are basically above reproach. Here's my story, 8 years ago I had a seizure and after testing they determined it was caused by alcohol. I was a pretty heavy drinker at the time. My doctor decided that I needed to go to a rehab for 30 days. I said no f'ing way...I was still working and the main bread winner for my family. He kept insisting, to the point he would refuse to treat any other ailments until I consented. I fired him. A few months later I started getting registered mail from this goof DEMANDING I book an appointment! WTF? So I call his office and tell them to lose my contact info and his response was to write the 'superintendent of motor vehicles' and have my license pulled. It had been two years since my seizure, 18 months since my last drink and a year since my last doctor visit. I tried everything to defend myself, but a doctors word is the law. It took a full year of walking to get my right to drive back.The next doc that examines me will be the one that signs my death certificate!


Well-Known Member
Doctors who prescribe pain meds have to watch their ass these days as the gov't (here in the US) has been prosecuting docs for over prescribing opiates. It's possible he's just covering his ass.


Well-Known Member
Well that does suck. This is a referred care clinic. I walked into that clinic 2 years ago taking 1000mg+ morphine a day and asked them to take me off this shit. This clinic gets special funding from the government....it is almost like a private government clinic....they deal with addicts and hard core cases. I will fight for my rights until I am dead. He had no reason to test me other than I wouldn't do what he wanted. There was no reason to make me feel like an addict and if he had done his homework like he should have done, he would have known that I have severe chronic pain and not a drug problem. All he had to do was ask. I got about an hour before I phone and ask him to explain why he tested me. I thought this change of 20mg 3x/day was better, but I have spent the better part of four days wanting to rip someones' head off and shit down their neck! I'll have to keep that in check when I make my call.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but that isn't likely to happen. Doctors have elevated themselves to a position of authority and control over us peons and are basically above reproach. Here's my story, 8 years ago I had a seizure and after testing they determined it was caused by alcohol. I was a pretty heavy drinker at the time. My doctor decided that I needed to go to a rehab for 30 days. I said no f'ing way...I was still working and the main bread winner for my family. He kept insisting, to the point he would refuse to treat any other ailments until I consented. I fired him. A few months later I started getting registered mail from this goof DEMANDING I book an appointment! WTF? So I call his office and tell them to lose my contact info and his response was to write the 'superintendent of motor vehicles' and have my license pulled. It had been two years since my seizure, 18 months since my last drink and a year since my last doctor visit. I tried everything to defend myself, but a doctors word is the law. It took a full year of walking to get my right to drive back.The next doc that examines me will be the one that signs my death certificate!
Unreal. thanks for sharing.
Really nice to hear things are going better for you these days!


Well-Known Member
So I called the clinic this morning to give the little guy one more opportunity to explain and apologize before I filed my complaint with the medical council. There was some problem with the phone so I went down to the clinic to find out if he was in today or when he would be back. Turns out he wasn't going to be back in town until Sept - just in time for the medical council hearing. So I thought how do I get a hold of this guy now. Talk to the secretary! I said that was unfortunate as I wanted to talk to him before filing. So I said to her, if there was any way she could get him to call me within the next couple of days that would be great. She then tells me that they drug test everyone to which I again said that was a lie. Before I was even home, the doc had phoned. The doc talked to my spouse so got a heads up about what was to come. Perfect.

Long story short....I got my apology and I'll sacrifice the acknowledgement that it was done vindictively. I know when to give. He said sometjhing about the National Narcotic Control???? Never heard of them....must be another HC outfit (of course it is!) He said if he thought I was abusing it he wouldn't have prescribed it. Then he said that the agreement that I signed when I initially joined the clinic clearly states that I may be subject to random drug testing. I told him that was signed under duress and means nothing. Here's a new but related story you'll love.

I went into this clinic 2 years ago as it was the only place taking new patients. I asked for a refill on my script which at the time was 10000mg/day morphine, and 5mg/ml up to 10 ml liquid morph. The guys jaw literally hit the floor. He had the ?? to ask me how I got to such a high dose. Really? Only doctors can prescribe this as far as I know! Any way.....he tells me he will fill out the prescription but only if I come out to emergency and sign up to the this referred care program so I can come off this shit. So a couple days later I show up at emerg at the appointed time, sign the papers and get my script.

I feel somewhat vindicated and hopefully this doc has learned that you can't push everyone around and expect to get away with it.


Well-Known Member
Good for you...gotta stand your ground every once in awhile.
Doubt he will try and push you around again!


Well-Known Member
Only time any doctor shouldn't give you a REFILL of your script(morphine) is when they are reducing or adding to your Narcotic. Because then it's not a refill!!! it's a new script and a doctor will actually cause harm to a patient if they don't write them a continuous supply!!!!!

I actually got a letter from the AB health to makesure my pharmacy was giving me correct amounts of scripts LOL

No way should a doctor ask a patient that is well known for a drug test to SEE IF their using the meds, they should be able to tell if your wacked on morphine.... hell I can tell when I'm wacked on morphine.

one time in my docs office I got into a heat discussion about morphine, I got pissed off... started walking out and said I will find something else as I'm not standing for getting grilled over this shit.... knowing that I was going to leave she knew this was no good and wrote me a refill for my script...... nothing makes me more pissed than some doctor insulting my intelligence over meds I take or making me look like a an addict