droopy seedling leaves


Well-Known Member
I got a seedling under some clf tubes and the first set of leaves looked fine now shes working on her 3 bladed leaves and they were slightly droopy so i raiased the light a little, not sure if thats normal with certains strains (1st ak47 grow) because its the first time i see that but any info would help! Thanks fellow growers. Here she is....
looks normal to me mine looked just like that and i was tripping but every 1 said thay was fine


Well-Known Member
Your plants are like 3 ft away from the 600 and not directly under it. I was imagining you had a 600 dedicated to you solo cups but naaa they arnt even getting the full 600w at that heigth and that angle. Nice try tho

My plants are 2 feet under the light and any closer and this point is too much for the seedlings. My other plants are 8 inches away and it is a steady 81 degrees at the tops. Once i trqnsplant and the solos get a couple nodes transplant into 2lt and they will get the same treatment. 8 to 12 inches away from the 600.

THey are directly under the hood. I dont know what you are talking about? Maybe the angle of the pic. Idk.

I come from outdoors. Growing trees. 3lb plants.

@Diabolical666. How do seedlings grow under the sun? Its like 100,000 lumens per square foot.
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Well-Known Member
You made an incorrect statement and i corrected you and you called me out on my grow.

You are a middle aged white women arguing with me haha.

Too much misinformation on the web.

And now you try to insult my intelligence? Bravo. sorry had to edit that.


Well-Known Member
Since @rob333 grows seedlings under 2 sixers. How far are your seedlings From yoyour lights.
i would only suggest going seedlings under 2 600Watts A if u have a good fan system inlines and stuff also u want a nice temp in your room my temp is always 28 lights on 20c lights off unless i run co2 were i jack the temps up to about 32c lights on 22c lights off raise the lights about 1 meter away from the seedlings for the first 2 weeks the bang em as close as u can with cool tube bout 20 30 cm away from the plant it can be done as my mate is a jew and hates spending money so he runs 2 1000w hps bulbs naked no air con or inlines in a tin shed with temps starting from 30c min to tops of 43c and he stills pulls herb think it just comes down to what u no and go with it u will have people here that will fight with u till they are blue in the face but till u see it done there opion meens shit so happy growing man and dont wast your time fighting with people here just make fun of them like i do ;)