Droopy plant........ please help!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Ok so I am going to start from the beginning. I have my babies on a reg feeding schedule with just enogh nutes as to not over feed them and they do rather well. When I get a new strain I like to test her and see how she grows. I was pushing my girl to her limit with how long she needs before waterings at her stage and I think I might have pushed it a little far. I waited until she was dry, she was a bit droopy and I felt that would suffice for data purposes so I watered her 32oz. The next day I checked on her and figured that she would pop back up. I checked on her a few hours later and she was still really droopy. It has now been 3 days since this has happened and she is still very droopy, I am going to add some pics so that you can see. please help me with this problem, this is one of my fav strains and I am not sure if I can get this pheno again. Do you think I over watered her when I finally gave her water?


Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Oh I would also like to mention that I maintain the temp at 73 C so heat is not the issue
Well, 73C is 163F so that's a bit hot. lol

You prolly stressed them out by not feeding in time and killed some micro root ends.
Give it a day or two and just plain water a few days after that.
Looked like a nice plant.