droopy plant don't know whats wrong


this is a 3 week old white widow growing in 8oz cup of FF ocean forest, its extremely droopy and stunted, leaves are papery dry and "claw-like". i don't know whats wrong with it but i'm using t5s so temperature is fine (mid 70s), humidity is in the 35-40 range. i thought i gave it too many nutes so i flushed it a while back and been giving it nothing but water the past couple waterings. the top leaves are starting to turn lime green but im afraid to give it any more nutes until i know what the problem is. any ideas? do you think it will bounce back or should i just chuck it?



ok i will def transplant it to a bigger container next watering. i'm pretty sure i'm not overwatering though. i wait until the soil is bone dry. that's why i'm puzzled as to whats wrong, im thinking its N toxicity but i can't be sure.
I concure with scrog, transplant. 3 weeks in 8oz. cup, majorly root bound. What size container do you plant to finish in? Transfer to that NOW.