droopy leaves


ok first time grower and i have a variety of different seeds, all from good buds collected over time. 2 of my plants are still growing larger but ever since they were transplanted into a bigger pot they have begun to droop their leaves but remain green and are still gettin taller. the only evident issue is the drooping leaves that are growing at the same rate as the other plants. and advice on what these drooping plants could lack or have to much of to cause the leaves to hang over like a jungle bush. or could it simply be the strands?


Well-Known Member
when did you transplant?...they usually take a week or so to recover from the shock..also as stated, have you been giving them alot of water?


Well-Known Member
Try watering once a week twice a max most new growers think that the plant needs water every day.If you water once twice at most you should see some improvement,this will give you a far better root system and the plant will not become rootbound premaure.If the plant is under a hps/hid light then you may need to top up every so often but use just water so that the plant will utilise all the nutrients from the first feed.