droopy leaves,,,help


bag seed,,4 days into flower stage,,12/12 .350watts (actual) cfl's 2700k. water about every 4 days or when dry. 10-10-10 veg nutes every 3rd watering..trimmed alot of the larger fan leaves off..watered yesterday. why the droop? I have 2 plants, the other is not drooping...any ideas? water is from aquarium.droop 001.jpgdroop 002.jpg


Active Member
Could be anything lack of Co2 it could be too hot ,maybe you overwatered or the plant is rootbound . Since it`s bagseed could also be bad genetics like its parents coulda been a hermie . I dunno if giving it aquarium water is a good thing but i dunno anything about that but don`t that shit got all kinds of algies , bacteria and fish poop in ? .


The aquarium water is the best water you can use,,the fish poop as you called it is sold in stores for big $$ (fish emulsion) plus PH is correct,,the thing is I have 2 plants,,same care,,water,,nutes,,and its very healthy,,,if its over watered ,,how much h202 would you add? heat shouldn't be an issue,,kept at 80-82 F with nice breeze from fan


Active Member
Okay cool yeh i used that fish emulsion on a few of my outdoor grows foul smelling stuff haha . I dunno my best quess would be that its round bound would be cool if someone else could give some input my plant is also drooping but still producing but its obviously not optimal .


Well-Known Member
re-pot if root bound.. wait til soil is dry roll the pot (if plastic) to loose up dirt from sides... grab the plant at bottom of stalk.. gently pull up.. if all you see is root and no dirt.. re pot right away


Active Member
Yup or cut the bottom of the pot off and just put it in another pot filled to the top a wider one with a small hole dug if you worried you gunna f**k it up . :)
Also looks like that curling is from your lights being too close if you can try give it a little bit more space from that side lighting .
What nutes are you feeding them btw ? and goodluck with your missions


miricle grow soil,,,,10-10-10 tomato food for nute...6 days into flower so i'll be changing nute to a product called big bloom....I moved lights out a little too


not sure what phd water is,,,,but my aquarium water is tested daily for ph..is always between 5.5 - 5.7...plus it has an abundance of organic nutes, no chlorine or heavy minerals,,,so why is it bad?


Active Member
I don`t know about the aquarium water , but do your pots have holes in the bottom I realized the other day that my pot is not a pot and infact just a bucket with no holes in the bottom and I`m stuck with it till the end of my grow now maybe that`s what`s causing my plants to droop but i just think they to big for my limited space . Peace bro hope its a hardy strain like mine and still seems to producing some buds and nice resin :-o .


yes my pots have holes...they are from a greenhouse, made for plants 2.5 gal. 8 1"X 1" holes in bottom around outer edges...get yourself a cordless drill and 3/4" spade bit...make holes around the bottom as close as you can,,it will at least allow some drainage..