Droopy leaves and light green

Hi y'all new to the thread and growing newb. So to the point. Last night I transplanted my plants into bigger pots. I used fox small amount of fox farm soil and another soil without any nutrient in it and Mixed it up. I was afraid my plants where to small to put directly into the fox farm soil causing overdose of nutrients.
I then water the soil down until had about 20% run off coming out of the bottom of containers. I then transplanted the plants into there new home. I woke up this morning and there leaves seem to be dropping with a little twist to some leaves. Anyone that can help would be much appreciated.temp.jpg temp_2.jpg temp.jpg temp_2.jpg temp.jpg temp_2.jpg temp.jpg temp_2.jpg temp.jpg temp_2.jpg


Well-Known Member
It looks like to me to be a little bit of transplant shock, and maybe overwatering along with that. If your soil is wet, pull the plants and dump the wet soil and repot into MOIST soil. If it is shock, they will recover in a day or two. By the looks of those plants, I'm betting on shock, which is scary to look at, but they will recover. Nice looking plants , by the way. You'll be fine (also, make sure you have GOOD drainage, and get some water trays under those plants to catch runoff)

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
DON'T pull them again!
They're fine,,,,let them sit till the soil needs watering again.
Use a Kelp extract and have far less transplanting stress! Boosts root production and is the most effective supplement you can use overall.
I do have the tray under the plant that's built into the pot so you can't see it. I dont feel like I over water soil is damp an drained well. I forgot to mention they kinda looked like this b4 the transplant but not as bad. I haven't started any nutrients yet other then what's in the fox farm soil. Water pH is kept around 6.3 to 6.8 changed it up all the time. First grow and nervous lol. I don't alot of research before hand so I have good idea what I gotta do. Afraid to water though because I don't want to much or two little.