Droopy, dark green leaves with lots of tiny bumps


Well-Known Member
that looks a LOT better then it was....
yet you have to get that heat down somemore...
it has really filled out with the bud. very nice, what are you feeding her at present
btw the new growth on the very top has no deformity...
doing da happy feet dance for you....
yet please try an cool her down even more you will be amazed at the change
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Active Member
Embarrassed to say I put a little Miracle Gro in the water. Thanks for the encouragement! Aside from buying a window unit I believe I've done the best I can to cool it. I need to either move to a better location for the next grow or start in the fall when the weather is about to cool down.

Thanks again; I'll post any news.


Active Member
I thought I better update this so you won't think I left you hanging. This is truly an amazing plant. It's so hardy.

I started out with three, I harvested one early because I didn't know better, one died, and the third is still going - 105 days of flowering. It isn't looking so great, but it is still growing.

I finally got the temp down in the garage (thanks to a little help from God) but it still gets up above 90f in the heat of the day and never gets below 80f at all. I don't know if this plant is just going to keep SLOWLY flowering and never stop or what! No nutes for at least a month. Only filtered water. I'm ready for this to end so I can rehab my growspace and try again in the winter time when I won't have a heat problem, but it seems like this plant is just going to soldier on through thick and thin to the very end!

Can I expect things to wrap up once the temps get down into the 70s?



Well-Known Member
105 days?? Wow that seems like a long time to Flower, what strain is that? Is it a sativa or indica. Alot of sativas take along time to flower but not all sativas do, indica i would say she is done bro, got a pic of the whole bud, compared to somthing else, it looks huge! Thanks!!


Active Member
It's a really tight bud. If you look in one of the pics you can see a digital clock that is 8" tall. The bud is 12" LONG AND 3" wide. It's mostly white hairs and all the trichs are still white.
It probably is some type of sativa but it's bagseed so I'll never really know.


Well-Known Member
Well if none of the trichs are amber, i would say let it go a little longer but i bet your anxious! I know i am anxious to chop but i am letting mine go for 2 more weeks! When the leaves die like that and turn yellow that usually means they are close cuz its using all the nitrogen left in the plant for budding, so i would say FLUSH and 1 more week Harvest, hope i am of some help! Happy Smokin!


Active Member
Yeah. I can't find a single amber trich with my 10x magnifying glass. But seriously, looking at it this close is very fascinating and it smells great too.


Active Member
OK I finally cut it down. She died and was drying up, but the trichs never changed color. She's hanging upside down in a closet now. The bud is about 14 inches long and three inches wide. Note that she was struggling to come back to life at the very top. She smells great. 130 days of flower. All her life in 100+ degrees f. This is one for the history books. Put the pics in the FAQ under what NOT to do if you want a great plant. I'll post and let you know how she smokes at a later date.


Active Member
It smoked real sweet and burned fast stony as hell but all in the head. Tasted a lot like hay. I learned a lot of lessons and moved on to bubbleponics for fast and huge grows. 1 bucket - 1 plant - 1 pound in 90 days. Yeah.