
phil k

Well-Known Member
I have a question for yu,some plants are gettin purple stock,stems.do u know what causes that?
genetics.. its more in hybrid strains.. but it just depends some get it some don't... people mistake purple stems for a disease but the disease that causes that is completely different you'll know if you have the disease just purple lines and stuff are nothing to worry about they happen. as long as your leaves and plant are healthy your fine... SOLID PURPLE stems or more Pink but still solid colors is a bit different... but you need to know what your looking for.

phil k

Well-Known Member
if your whole stem is purple or pink then post pics otherwise if you see purple lines running up them its nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
oh my god.. here we go.... ITS NOT TEMPS!!!!!
Yes, cold temperatures will cause stems and even buds to purple up. That is what's cool about growing outdoor in the midwest, it gets cold in the fall and a lot of plants put off tons of purple colors, not all strains but many.


Yes I do does it start from top?another question,if u don't mind me picking it brain a little,My stock,stem turning purple as well,any thoughts on that

phil k

Well-Known Member
Yes, cold temperatures will cause stems and even buds to purple up. That is what's cool about growing outdoor in the midwest, it gets cold in the fall and a lot of plants put off tons of purple colors, not all strains but many.
yes when your dropping in 65 or lower.. and your buds purple your stems don't go solid purple.. he's not growing in 65 degree temps.. WHO GROWS IN 65 or lower.. just cause your stems purpling doenst mean there temp issues...

phil k

Well-Known Member
yes when your dropping in 65 or lower.. and your buds purple your stems don't go solid purple.. he's not growing in 65 degree temps.. WHO GROWS IN 65 or lower.. just cause your stems purpling doenst mean there temp issues...
Yes I do does it start from top?another question,if u don't mind me picking it brain a little,My stock,stem turning purple as well,any thoughts on that
post a pic


Well-Known Member
yes when your dropping in 65 or lower.. and your buds purple your stems don't go solid purple.. he's not growing in 65 degree temps.. WHO GROWS IN 65 or lower.. just cause your stems purpling doenst mean there temp issues...
Your quote, not mine:
"yep.. raise your temps though you have to remember your room temp maybe 72.. that means soil is probably 62 or maybe lower at night.. it takes a long time to reheat that soil..."

phil k

Well-Known Member
Your quote, not mine:
"yep.. raise your temps though you have to remember your room temp maybe 72.. that means soil is probably 62 or maybe lower at night.. it takes a long time to reheat that soil..."
yep i just NOW remembered the whole first part of this was his cold soil... BUT its still nothing to worry about .. people used to think it was a diseases


Well-Known Member
yep i just NOW remembered the whole first part of this was his cold soil... BUT its still nothing to worry about .. people used to think it was a diseases
It's not a problem and many people add ice and things to water at the end of flower to try an induce more color change. During flower with bigger plant, and bigger roots, the cold isn't an issue but early on the cold dirt temps do slow growth a lot. Like you suggested, the OP just needs to bring them soil temps up. Cheers man.