drooping and yellowing fan leaves...pics this time...

ive asked for help with this problem before but was unable to correct it. the leaves are drooping and their turning yellow, how would i correct it and will the leaves turn green again? i know i stretched the hell out of em, kinda makes em look worse, a few of the lower fan leaves i had to cut, but i left part of the stem, thats another reason they look so naked. there not that old, probaly a 6-7 weeks old, 24hr light- 1-120w gro bulb, 2-40w aquaplant floros, 3-100w floros, temp is about 80, i feed superthrive and alaska fish fert, i have some phospherus supplement"mirical-gro" but not sure if i need to mix it in the soil. yes i got it at lowes, tight budget, "as you can tell by the setup..lol" and no gro store around. the way i feed is mix a cap full of the super thrive and a table spoon of the fish fert into a gallon of water, spay untill the plant has weight again or feels a little heavier, Is this right??? because it takes a couple days of watering like that to use the whole gallon.. id realy appreiciate any suggestions i you may have, thanks..



Well-Known Member
ive asked for help with this problem before but was unable to correct it. the leaves are drooping and their turning yellow, how would i correct it

Once the leaves turn yellow, they will not turn back green.

and will the leaves turn green again? i know i stretched the hell out of em, kinda makes em look worse, a few of the lower fan leaves i had to cut

Do not cut the fan leaves, the plant use the fan leaves for food. Let them fall off naturally

, but i left part of the stem, thats another reason they look so naked. there not that old, probaly a 6-7 weeks old

To be honest if they look like they do after 6-7 weeks old, then you are definitely doing something wrong.

I think you do not have your lights positions correctly so the plants have to strech to get to the light

, 24hr light- 1-120w gro bulb, 2-40w aquaplant floros, 3-100w floros

In my opinion 24 hour light is not necessary, Plants need a dark period.

, temp is about 80

That is good. always try to keep temps 70-85

, i feed superthrive and alaska fish fert, i have some phospherus supplement"mirical-gro" but not sure if i need to mix it in the soil

I would not mix these nutrients as you are using organic and chemical fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers will kill the microbes that organic rely on

. yes i got it at lowes, tight budget, "as you can tell by the setup..lol" and no gro store around. the way i feed is mix a cap full of the super thrive and a table spoon of the fish fert into a gallon of water

General rule of thumb is when mixing fertilizer start off at 1/4 to 1/2 strength. See how the plants respond before increasing the dosage

, spay untill the plant has weight again or feels a little heavier, Is this right??? because it takes a couple days of watering like that to use the whole gallon.. id realy appreiciate any suggestions i you may have,

Why are you spraying them. (pour your mix directly into the soil. No don over water either. You can tell when a plants is thirsty by the leaves. They will start to droop down. Also you can lift the pot and see how heavy it is. If it feels very lite and the soil is really dry, then it is time to water.

You first need a basis to compare this too. On the first watering you give them, pick up the pot and get a feel for the weight of it. Then as time go by and the water is used up you will see the pots are very lite

One final note, and this is just my opinion. I would start over. Get a good soil recipe and stick with it. Definitely go organic and get some HID lights to use

I hope the advice helps you
i spray it because the only stuff i have are liquid any way. i just put it in with water. judgeing from the pics i got up, do you think i would be better off makin clones with the three tall ones.


Well-Known Member
i spray it because the only stuff i have are liquid any way. i just put it in with water. judgeing from the pics i got up, do you think i would be better off makin clones with the three tall ones.
If you know they are females then yes, but how much experience do you have with cloning.

Cloning even when you follow directions does not always produce good results.

Start over, put some more soil in those pots, but before you do that, get some seed to sprout, transfer to a jiffy starter cube, then you can transplant them into your pots.

And keeps those lights close so they wont stretch.