Driving with THC

So the law is trying to determine if you are high while you drive. How in the world can they determine that? Well, its simple they say. "If we check your blood and you have THC in your system, then you are high". But officer, its been a week since I smoked!!! I am not high now!!!! "Sorry, your blood says you are"!

Oooooo weeee! What up wit dat???:evil:


Lol, do you often give cops a reason to check your blood for THC? You also have the right to refuse a test, which will help delay it a little in most states.


Active Member
dude jus chill out when you get pulled over and they wont know. if they ask why your eyes are red just say that you were working all night the night before or sumpthin stupid like that
I live in indiana and they have the drugged driving thing here but the only time they do that is if you get arrested and then they say u were high while driving then they throw the book at you which is bullshit in my opinion. There is no way to tell if a person is high while driving unless they admit it or the person is completely out of it.


Before I started smoking I got pulled over and a cop said i was showing 2 of the three symptoms of smoking marijuana. He ended up saying something about my eyes and my tongue being green. *Facepalm*


Well-Known Member
heard a rumor that they are going to do swab tests of your mouth. they can determin if you smoked in the last 4 hours...not sure if they can tell about eating.

can anyone confirm this.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
It's been like that in my state for years. Unless you look intoxicated and test zero for alcohol will they take you in for a blood/urine test.
They do not check you for a normal traffic stop. But, if you are involved in a crash, they will for sure. That still doesn't "prove" your high, but my state has a zero tolerance so if they detect any of the waste products of MJ, you are deemed intoxicate due to the zero tolerance law.


Active Member
a friend of mine said her job was starting "spit-tests" ..where you just spit on some strip or something and it tells if you have cannabis in your system..that scared me lol but generally you can refuse a blood test during a traffic stop. here, they started doing shit like that, and they could FORCE blood from you..<_< that pisses me off. try n force blood from ME and your gonna have some blood forced outta you! but ya...if you get pulled over and they ask why your eyes are red, just say you came from a friends with a dog, you got allergies yo!


some states in the us now take your blood and if you refuse you get a dui they now train po to draw blood common now they want us gone we seemed to cause enough trouble for them