Dreks5.3 U2 Kush Bubbleponics Grow


Hey everyone its been awhile since ive been on here.

I am doing 1 U2 Kush plant in a 5 Gallon bucket and a 250W hps over the top of her. She is 56 days old, But only 5 weeks flower. I am thinking she will be done in about 3 weeks. She is 27" tall and 33" wide. She has a very strong lemon kush smell. I am using AN 3 part nutes along with big bud, bud candy, bud blaster, B-52, and purple Maxx also Gravity for the last 2 weeks.

Enjoy the Pics.









Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Nice ass fuggin nugs, Dreks !

Really pushing that 250w, huh !?
How high is it above the canopy ?
Ever think of staggering your harvest over 2 seperate ones to get the most of that light ?


Nice ass fuggin nugs, Dreks !

Really pushing that 250w, huh !?
How high is it above the canopy ?
Ever think of staggering your harvest over 2 seperate ones to get the most of that light ?
Thanks man! Yep its really a 250w, It sits about 4-5" above the tallest top and about 7-8" above the rest of the canopy.

This is my first grow with the 250w, I did 2 previous grows with a 150w to get my feet wet. I cant really go any bigger than a 250w in my closet without venting the heat which I dont really want to do. So 250w is good for my personal grows. Ive been thinking about staggering 2 next grow, Just wanted to see how well this grow went. You think 2 staggered would do good under there?

This pic was 2 weeks ago, Just showing you how high the ballast is over her. Its about 5-6" over the tallest top in this pic, I was gone for a couple days so I raised the light a bit just in-case it got hot and I wasnt home to fix it.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
That's cool bro.
You're making it work for you and you're happy, and that's what it's all about.

You should be fine staggering your grows.
Just know your plants and how they strectch.
My current grow is staggered by 3 weeks (18 days).


I confused myself I think on the whole staggering thing, What do you actually mean by staggering my grow? Just to clear it up for me.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Starting some plants now, then more in a few days or weeks.
If you keep repeating this, you will then be doing a perpetual grow and a pertual harvest as well.

To stagger a harvest on a single plant that is too big for your light to penetrate the lowers effectively, break the plant up in halves or thirds.
Speaking vertically too.
Harvest the top part first, since it will be ready first anyways.
Then the next foot down say 10 days later.
And so on, depending on how tall it is and if you have that many buds from not trimming, to make it worth the effort.


I thought that was what you were meaning. It is about 27" tall, So I would prolly only do 2 stages being that tall. Maybe cut like the first 14", then the bottom 13" a few days later.