DR120 4X4 Setup Venting Help


Active Member
I'm trying to set up a DR120 4X4 set up

So far it includes (venting specific)

2 400W w/ sealed hoods
273CFM Dayton Squirrel Cage fan

I've read as much as I can on here and there, but the more I read the more confused I become trying to relate a different scenario to mine.

The tent is in a not much bigger room which probably measures an extra foot and a half either way.


Will a 273CFM fan be sufficient to cool this room?
What is the best possible venting set up to utilize this fan?
(i.e. Hood to Hood to fan to Outside, with first hood pulling air from tent and all being pulled out by fan at the end of second hood, and then being blown out to the bigger room?)

What would be the best way to pull in fresh air? Would passive intake for fresh air from outer room be enough to keep the room cool with one fan pulling air out through the hoods as mentioned before?

Open to any suggestions, the physics of air movement has me baffled atm.


Active Member
I would pull through both hoods then exhaust out. Your fan should be capable of cooling that tent. For intake, i would go with passive on the bottom opposite of your exhaust. There should already be somethin setup for an intake in the tent. You usually want your intake surface area 2-3x the size of exhaust. So for a 6" exhaust you would want a 60-80sq in passive intake. Good luck and let us know how it goes


Active Member
Will a 273CFM fan be sufficient to cool this room?

Yep. Pulling air through the hoods with ducting will make a huge difference and allow you to get the lights closer to the plans which make another huge difference. Get a speed controller at the hydro store for your fan so you can reduce the speed and noise of the fan when full power is not required. 800 watts in a 4X4 is a lot of heat actually. Air intake should be at the bottom of the tent and exhaust - hopefully through a carbon scrubber first - should be at the top.
Pet Door Vent.jpg
4 Inch Duct.jpg


Active Member
Few things to clarify

As you both said about Pulling air through hoods, should the opening on the second hood be left open to pull air from the tent > hood > second hood > fan > blowing outside tent into room

or should it from duct from room > into hood > second hood > fan > blowing outside tent into room again (keeping in mind the room isn't too much bigger than tent)

I dont know if thats clear, but should it be pulling air from tent, or pulling it from room through hoods and blown back into room

@lotsOweed: Intake surface area, means I should have air being pulled in from a room 2-3x bigger than the room I have it exhausting into? Also is a passive intake using a duct booster fan sufficient?

@glShemp: You're pictures help greatly, thank you. Only difference I see in concept is the type of fan you have. I have the following Dayton 273CFM fan, which is a squirrel cage. It's not as convenient to attach ducting to it as one of the Vortex fans that you show in your image.
Do you have any suggestions on how to hook up a fan like this to ducting?

Also, does a speed controller work well with all fans? I definitely agree I need something to reduce speed and noise when it isn't required


Appreciate the help so far guys, trying my best to visualize and apply it practically.


Well-Known Member
keep in mind the air coming in will only be a cool as the air in the room around it. If you are venting our hot air into that same room, it will be inefficient. Can you put an ac in the surrounding room? or use vents to run the intake/exhaust into a different room?