Dr.Chronic packs wack seeds.....


Active Member
10 Haze seeds.

This was my first seed purchase. I live in the south-east United States. They arrived in 5 days with what I would deem decent stealth= awesome. Heres the problem. Out of 10 seeds, two of those crumbled to brittle pieces! What the hell? lol and on top of that most of them appeared infertile and small. Only a couple was normal size and color. Even though I did get my seeds, there is no way a fast delivery compensates for the quality (SHIT) I received. I'd be extremely reluctant or desperate to order from doctor chronic again. This was unfortunate considering how much good I heard about him. tsk tsk.

this was my experience. Take it as you will.


Well-Known Member
I recieved a package of orange bud from the doc about 16 days ago. The seeds seemed very small and the seedlings that quickly sprouted and emerged from the soil were very tiny. Today is thier 2nd week and they bareley have thier 2nd set of leaves. Im doing everything I can to supply an adequite indoor environment for the seedlings to thrive, but theyre not.
So Im ordering more seeds. But despite speedy delivery, are the quality of seeds really up to par? Seeds just crumbling to dust! thats fucked. Maby I m kind of negative about it but shit this is my fourth grow attempt (1 hugely successful, 1 disaster, and 1 huge yeild, not that great of bud and then this.) So another investment that hasnt at all really yet gone down the tubes, Im just not waiting around for slow ass seedlings.
And im doing everything correct that is why im kinda pissed. Im up to the mercy of the plant. So are these baD genetics or bad luck? Or neither.:confused:


New Member
The problem you guys are having stems from the fact that the doc and nirvana suck.

Read all the threads from other people with the same problems. They dont care.

With that said here are some good guys.

1. www.sanniesshop.com
2. Anything from subcool. Hempdepot and bidzbay
3. Anything from Motarebel. Sanniesshop
4. Anything from joey weed. Hempdepot Try the blu apollo

Hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
great results from the doc 98 percent seeds sprouted and harvested them last month, he carrys seeds from dif companys so its prolly not his fault, did you try to talk to him???


Active Member
I wont start my grow until a month or so. This post was just a critique on the quality of "seeds". It might be unfair to judge seeds before even attempting to germinate and grow them but dude, they look like total shit! I wish i could post a picture to show everyone how ridiculously weak they appear. I was thinking about emailing Dr.chronic a picture to show him the quality of seeds he chooses to mail his customers.


Active Member
what company produces the seeds? the doc just ships seeds he doesn't make them. Don't shoot the messenger you know.


Well-Known Member
he is supplied seeds from the various companys, very few strains are his. say you order sensi seeds - sensi star from him, those seeds are from sensi seeds


Well-Known Member
I ordered Nirvana's White Widow from Chronic last month and the sprouts were all sick ... at least the ones that popped up ... out of 6 germinated 3 popped or tried to pop out the soil, then stop growing ... at first I thought it was something I was doing then I found out other growers with the same seeds from the same place where having the same problems ... I suspected something was wrong when the tap roots didn't develop when the seeds cracked ... I email Chronic and am waiting for an answer ... I got a form email so far ... I will see if he response to my email ...