Doug Benson (Super High Me) Is Coming To Ann Arbor On October 6th

lol, we are there.

Anybody been there? is the middle of the crowd 20 rows back a good place to light up or is it small like a 100 person limit?


Active Member
I remember when that movie came out, I never thought i would be smoking ganja legaly :) I didn't take the movie serous, i never would of thoght of legal weed, crazy shit dudes


Well-Known Member
What ever happened to this dude?



Active Member
Went there today. Very good show with a few
minor critiques. I'm too fucked up right now to be
Mr.Fuckin Coherent, but I'll type up a brief opinion
within the next few days.

Did anyone else here go and what did you think?

Peace, Love, and Hair Grease;
