Doubletakes spring crop


Well-Known Member
Yep just roots

And top dress with some guano towards the end.

Iv never really tried molasses but thought about doing it last you, do you think it's worth a shot on these?

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
It's up to you, but I love molasses (Earth Juice). I would brew up some over night (fish pump perculate). That way it settles its Ph to perfect.


Well-Known Member
Alright cool thanks man will do so like if I brew up a good strong 5 gallon bucket and pour it into my 60 gallon trash can water tank it will be good like not too diluted?

Like 5 gallons of molasses water to 50 gallons of regular water

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Yup, Brew concentrated over night in 1-5 gallons of water, then add to feed tank (60 gallon tank). For example, Earth Juice medium application is 1TBSP per Gallon. If you want 60 gallons total, then add 60TBSP to a 1-5 gallon bucket of water and bubble it. Next day add it to 60gal tank fill, stir, and it should be good to go.


Well-Known Member
Alright cool man thanks I'll get on that

Let's see how they like it and them ill use the guano too and I got this general hydro bloom booster I need to get rid of its from one of my old hydro grows so I'll probley do a dose or two of that pretty soon.

Its crazy to think they have already been out for 3 weeks so probley like 6 more weeks till chop I think.


Well-Known Member
I like roots but the few times I used it had root aphids in it. Coulda been the vendors.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's weird a couple times during the Sumer I found a little like white mold it looked like
i was thinking it could of been the heat and the bactieria in there could of cause it, I wonder how the root aphids
got into your bags.

Im going to have to start looking into mixxing up my own solid or
like mixing the roots with some cheaper soil 21 bags of the roots organic wasn't cheap it wasn't like 300 bucks
and I saw that GB had a truck load dropped off for my like 700 of some other stuff that was probley good too.


Well-Known Member
That white mold if Santas beard is good stuff or part of the organics working. I seen the flyers in the store when I bought it. I can see those fuckers from a mile away. lol


Well-Known Member
check this out . I built A RDWC system with a chiller and all and started reading about Hempy buckets and gonna put the DWC on the back burner.


Well-Known Member
Was a little cloudy today and 70 degrees Fahrenheit

So I was going to get out water and take some new pics but it will be

put off to monday, I'm thinking off giving them there first shot of bloom nutes.

Updates coming soooon........


Well-Known Member
So I got out there yesterday a.m wow there looking Good all the shock from the transplant and cold is gone.

They were all perked up and I thought I'd have to water since its been a week but I could feel some weight still in the

Pots so there good for another couple days.

I took one crappy pic with the camera phone that I'll post, but when I go back Thursday to water I'll I'll take some pics with the
good camera.

There starting to push out some little buds so mabey some premi bud porn tocome soon!hahH


Well-Known Member
They look good nice and green i cant believe nothing eats on them is there some fence or just you dont have to sweat it?Good weather no animals good for you i would be stoked to pull off a winter outdoor.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, and nope no fence last year my stuff kept getting ate on by rabbits so I had to put up a fence

But this spot is like right next to my house and is still kind of in the city so not much critters to mess with them.

And yep man I kinda love it down here in SoCal, I was up in redding last week and omg it's such a difference in temp

just from being so much further north I realized u guys up there, and in o.r HAVE to wait till may. Especially if your a few thousand feet up.

Im about to order some auto flowers so that when I pull these in 6 weeks I can put another 50 in right away.

those only take 90 days so get them poped And started march 10th and be done with those by June 10ish


Well-Known Member
And does everyone else not have the ability to "like" post I don't see the icon anymore, did they take it away?