Double Taproot...what should I do?

Hey peoples...just looking for a little advice. One of my Dark Devil seeds seemed to of had two taproots emerge after germination. Should I kill the little guy or let them just grow up together....they are 8 days in (started them in water and paper towels last Monday.) The look great, but I am concerned that the stem is stressed on the double taproot lady....advice? Here are some pics


Active Member
I fit ain't broke, don't fix it. Nature does weird things but the plant seems fine. See what happens.
Ok, sorry I am being so short, but this is the third f-n time I have wrote this internet keep going out and killing my posts. This is day ten after they emerged from the soil...they are all in 11 liter pots besides my experiment with the new pot (which overall is the best looking plant, I guess I WILL shell out the 7 Euro per pot next time I need to head to the shop.) The pics are of my best from both strains and a group pic. The back left one just has a little less soil...wanted to see the difference in weight with 3/4 the soil. At this point in look like all the others. Please give me a little feedback, while this is my first AF...are they small for 10 days? Big? Healthy? Etc....also, I just gave the first dose of food. This is a complete organic grow (my wife is a freak vegan) so I am using Bio-Grow by Bio-Bizz. Hope y'all know the states I was a huge fan of TerraFarm, but here in Europe I can't find it....def. going to be buying myself a couple a Christmas present when I am back in Minnesota over Christmas. are below. Thank for any advice that comes in!!!IMG_0265.jpgIMG_0269.jpgIMG_0271.jpg
So ladies and gents...I am updating the progress of my grow. What should I start with? I think things are going splendid. I am on day 20 today, which was also the 3rd time the ladies got nutes...should I be feeding more often at this point? I hit them all with about 3/4 liter of water with the highest suggested feeding level per liter using nutes listed above. One plant from each of the breeds has shown pistils, so naturally my question is (being this is my first AF grow) When should I throw them under my HPS? Now? Or should I wait 'til week 4 and go straight into my Flowering Nutes? Any feedback would be do they look for size? How is my timing, etc...? Thanks everyone...and I hope to learn something because I am about to start my next round....IMG_0284.jpgIMG_0286.jpgIMG_0288.jpg
this happened to me a few times i separate them and let them grow as long as the roots aren't tangled too much if they are I kill the weaker one because I don't want to stress them both and they all die

past times

Well-Known Member
Hey dude. They look pretty good. I would probably wait about another week to put under HPS. If Any start showing more than just a couple small hairs, I definitely would. And don't just go straight flower nutes. Taper off the grow nutes, while adding flower nutes for the next couple waters. Have many nutrients in the growing medium? I have those same pots and love them. You should add a little more soil to the tops of those pots though. More soil means more roots :)


New Member
im trying 8 ball kush this year for the first time ,I also had a double sprout...I left , no problems...It seems to be fine but of course the smaller sprout is the smaller plant, pretty cool don't know how common this is, or if that characteristic could be passed from a mother to her seeds...or clone for that matter ,cool stuff ,good luck
Hello again..and happy to see that I got a little feed back. I left the second plant, and it looks's just tiny compared to it's counterpart. At this point (Day 22 since they emerged from soil), I think the plants look great. I watered them tonight without food to somewhat flush out the veg growth nutes and will do this one more time before starting them on there Bloom nutes. Two of the plants have a couple yellow dots (nute burn?), but other than that they look super green and healthy. All 3 dark devils have shown to be female and 2 of the Big Bang, waiting on the other one. Strange thing is, I have two super bushy Big Bangs that have not grown all that much, but also my largest is a big bang. I don't think I will be getting those seeds again...they seem unstable. I will wait until my first water with Bloom nutes to start them under my HPS...about a week I think. Anybody have and ideas on what I will get from the big guys as opposed to the small guys...just a guesstimate would be awesome!! Also, looking for ideas for my next grow...I will continue with the Dark Devil, but looking for another great AF from a more stable genetic family. Ideas are not only welcome, but encouraged...Thanks!! Also, of course, a couple pics to see the progress.IMG_0295.jpgIMG_0297.jpg