Double headed bud??


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm thinking of cutting that branch early now, does looo like two have grown together
It isnt two branches together, its one branch that grew sideways rather than up, you have classic apical dominance loss and that is causing bad whorlled phylotaxy :-)


Well-Known Member
I’m not sure. When flower firsted, I noticed this one was weird looking and both coming right out the center of the growth site. But maybe you’re right, you’ve been doing this way longer than me.


Well-Known Member
When I read that it's undesirable (all leaf n stem) I cut the head off mine a few weeks I to flower. The normal buds below are well exposed and doing great a couple weeks later. That thing gave me the heeby jeebies.


Well-Known Member
This is a little ambiguous, heeby jeebies because "Trypophobia" I guess, discussed on Reddit.

Cut it off because I read it would be all stem and leaf, looked close and realized that was the truth. I just cut the top 2" off. The rest of the branch benefited from an increased number if budsites.


Well-Known Member
This is a little ambiguous, heeby jeebies because "Trypophobia" I guess, discussed on Reddit.

Cut it off because I read it would be all stem and leaf, looked close and realized that was the truth. I just cut the top 2" off. The rest of the branch benefited from an increased number if budsites.
I think I’m too late to do that. I’m finishing my 8th week flower/ day 53 flower. I have probably 2 more weeks.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Totally understand :-)

Polyploidy might lead us to super strains but as far as i know its never been seen in cannabis.

OH YES! It has been shown in cannabis.....You can induce it with a nasty poison chem too. Thing is it kills 99.98% of the beans treated and it is stupid hard on a plant that does turn... The attempts to then breed that going forward have been beyond difficult! It just doesn't take well by the genetic make up of a plant......The plants tends to give non viable seeds and ones that do pop are weak and lack any real vigor. Much less have the expression. Like nature saying NO, this is not going to go on....Human and animal expressions of poly - DIE or are not born alive...

A Spanish breeder went nuts on attempting to use it in breeding. He had serious problems and one worker actually got poisoned (that is the rumor part).
The whole project got scrapped after a year and he never reported back on the failure it was.

Poly is whole plant effected.. It does not grow a super weed and in fact, as RED says. Produces sub part potency and very slow growth in poly expressing plants.

Now, with all that said. I agree that it's most likely a branch that lost atypical dominance and became a twin.......