Double chamber S.O.G. Utility Cabinet grow


Well-Known Member
So ill be getting an appartment soon. I want to go Huge as stealth permits cause with the amont of plants ill be growing ill be facing more than 6 years... FUCK that shit. So im thinking Utility cabinet, tons of space while alot more discrete than a closet. Something i can lock up, something more personal i that would ease tensions a lot.

So i have this utility cabinet 6'h 3'w and 2'deep. I want to divide it into a top and bottom section. Doing to sogs perpetuall style with a 400w in each chamber.

So i what im curious about is the yeild expectancy. Like i know there are a bitch load of factors but is there any way i could get a pound out of this? This would make me very happy to know... like any body witnessed insane utility cabinet grows with a 1lb plus??

*journal to come*


Well-Known Member
are you just putting in clones to flower? and what about temps with 2 400w in there
yes ill be dealling with clones, maby vegging them for 2 weeks max. And good quesiton on ventilation.

I have a 500 some cfm S&P blower. Ill have two more computer fans exausting from each chamber, so 4 totall then two on both lights so a totall of 8 cpu fans will be thrown in the mix. So no worries there..

So what do you think??


Well-Known Member
shit sounds good to me. but im a little confused on weather the two chambers will be identical or same purpose.

will the whole cabinet be vegging for 2 weeks? then switching to flowering? i guess thats what you mean. but sounds good, how many clones you thing you can get into one chamber?


Well-Known Member
yess i would love to smoke a bowl. haha.

alright well i have a hole other cab for veggin, plus im going to turn a dresser into another vegg station. And both chambers will be flowering if thats what your asking. Im thinking harvesting every 2 weeks. the top chamber will hold two sections of plants 2 weeks a part with one batch ready in two weeks. And the bottom will hold the starters, again 2 weeks apart. Get the idea?


Well-Known Member
and how many could i fit? shit idk let me do some math. So the flore space is 3' by 20" (correction) Im thinking 6" by 6" pots, i want to pack those bitches in there. like i said, i want to go Huge, in a stealth manner. So according to my math thatd be 18 plants in each chamber. 36 totall.


Well-Known Member
yeah i got it. sounds good keep them flowing in and out. i would like to see this...i wonder how much youd be pulling every 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Alright so how does an ounce a plant sound? anybody can step in here at any time by the way...

So 9 plants (half of 18) every two weeks, like 9 ounces every two weeks? (a pound is 16 ounces right?)
Holy shit i just suprised my self. No way, 9 ounces every two weeks? get out... GEt the fuck out!!! Someone please step in and tell me if this math is fairly accurate...


Well-Known Member
lol hell no but i would like to know...will these be single cola plants?

i just watched seemorebuds perfect garden dvd, if you havent seen it its pretty informative. but there was a garden similar to what you are describing but on a slightly bigger scale but that seems to be the way to grow to keep the buds coming.

you going to eventually start a journal for this? i hope.


Well-Known Member
Oh and yeah yeah, definatly single cola, at least thats what ill be aiming for, inless they bush out a bit, that is the idea of SOG right?? And damn yeah i heard alot about that seemore video, i think with that info i have to see it... you should burn that shit and send it my way!! nahh, but yeah. you should.


Well-Known Member
With two 400 watters in that cabinet temps will easily be over 100 degrees,also forget about those computer fans,think about their intended use,they are not designed to pull the amount of air you'll need with that much heat.

I dont see it happening,the space is flat out too small for that amount of HID lighting,the heat from the lights will stay in the box too long causing the box to super heat,with a single 400 watter it would be possible but it'll take an assload of serious air movement to pull it off with 800 watts HID in there.

I'd say the max yeild from that cabinet would be more like a qp a month.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... i dont know if you could convince me that id be to much heat. I mean ive seen double pc set ups rocking out 250w with fucking cpu fans..
You did read my blower note right? 500cfms. Thats ALOT of air flow. An assload if you will. And even if temps were a prob, i could 12 12 them on an alternating schedule so only 400 watts would be running at a time... What now! jk, but seriously, what do you think?

With two 400 watters in that cabinet temps will easily be over 100 degrees,also forget about those computer fans,think about their intended use,they are not designed to pull the amount of air you'll need with that much heat.

I dont see it happening,the space is flat out too small for that amount of HID lighting,the heat from the lights will stay in the box too long causing the box to super heat,with a single 400 watter it would be possible but it'll take an assload of serious air movement to pull it off with 800 watts HID in there.

I'd say the max yeild from that cabinet would be more like a qp a month.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... i dont know if you could convince me that id be to much heat. I mean ive seen double pc set ups rocking out 250w with fucking cpu fans..
You did read my blower note right? 500cfms. Thats ALOT of air flow. An assload if you will. And even if temps were a prob, i could 12 12 them on an alternating schedule so only 400 watts would be running at a time... What now! jk, but seriously, what do you think?
1st off lets look at the cabinet dimensions,the cabinet is 6 ft high,divide that in half for the 2 seperate areas you want now you have 3 ft,if you hang the light direct on the top of a 3ft area it'll take up 6 inches so now you have 2.5 feet to grow in.

Your talking about using small pots & thats good but can also be bad but lets keep going on the available grow space for now,if you use 6x6x6 inch pots now your down to 2 ft growing space starting from the top of the pot.

Now with that 2ft of grow space you'll need to keep a minimum of 1ft of distance between the light & the canpoy but realisticly count on more like 14 inches,so that leaves you with 1 ft of grow space & quite possibly even less height than 1 ft,getting an ounce off a single cola plant that is 1ft tall is next to impossible for most growers.

Now lets talk about your pots,a 6x6x6 pot will grow some nice plants as long as the pots are kept cool so the roots do not overheat,roots do not like heat,hot roots = sick & stunted plants,the root system in a 6x6x6 pot will not withstand any high temps at all,if it ever hits 80 degrees in that cabinet with those small pots you can count on overheated root systems.

Now some more about small pots,i love them & they save space plus they work great,under ideal conditions,with small pots comes the task of daily watering,sometimes twice a day depending on plant health & its water needs,what comes with daily waterings is a humidity problem.

Having one light in operation while the other light is sleeping will help with the overall heat of the cabinet but having oner ligh going at all times will cut the cool down factor & the root systems will ramain warm or hot at all times.

And with the cabinet seperated with one half in the dark & one half in the light at all times you'll need a second exhaust, unless you build a light trap in the allready severely limited grow space & take up valueable real estate.

If you intend on using that cabinet in the fashion you propose you have some serious work ahead to make it work.


Well-Known Member
there you are.

Yess 3 feet, and that light will be cool tubed. The cool tubes will be connect together so the top light will have ducting running to the bottom light, witch is what will be the light trap. 500 cfms is just so much fucking air. So you dont think that my plants could be touching the cool tube? Plus yeah even worse case scenario i need a foot from plants to light, i can still go stadium style and get that those 2.5 foot colas on the outer sides. So your right though this will be pushing it, but with the cab i just posted, 250ws, in a double pc grow, how could it be impossible? thats with pc fans aswell. I dont get how you can say its a problem when you just saw that, and my cab will be like 5 times bigger with only double the light, not even.

And good point about the roots, that will aid in my design.

I mean i know your a big time grower, and have a lot of experience, but with the info i have on small grows, i have so much faith in this design.

Give me the benifit of the doubt and make another estimate..

1st off lets look at the cabinet dimensions,the cabinet is 6 ft high,divide that in half for the 2 seperate areas you want now you have 3 ft,if you hang the light direct on the top of a 3ft area it'll take up 6 inches so now you have 2.5 feet to grow in.

Your talking about using small pots & thats good but can also be bad but lets keep going on the available grow space for now,if you use 6x6x6 inch pots now your down to 2 ft growing space starting from the top of the pot.

Now with that 2ft of grow space you'll need to keep a minimum of 1ft of distance between the light & the canpoy but realisticly count on more like 14 inches,so that leaves you with 1 ft of grow space & quite possibly even less height than 1 ft,getting an ounce off a single cola plant that is 1ft tall is next to impossible for most growers.

Now lets talk about your pots,a 6x6x6 pot will grow some nice plants as long as the pots are kept cool so the roots do not overheat,roots do not like heat,hot roots = sick & stunted plants,the root system in a 6x6x6 pot will not withstand any high temps at all,if it ever hits 80 degrees in that cabinet with those small pots you can count on overheated root systems.

Now some more about small pots,i love them & they save space plus they work great,under ideal conditions,with small pots comes the task of daily watering,sometimes twice a day depending on plant health & its water needs,what comes with daily waterings is a humidity problem.

Having one light in operation while the other light is sleeping will help with the overall heat of the cabinet but having oner ligh going at all times will cut the cool down factor & the root systems will ramain warm or hot at all times.

And with the cabinet seperated with one half in the dark & one half in the light at all times you'll need a second exhaust, unless you build a light trap in the allready severely limited grow space & take up valueable real estate.

If you intend on using that cabinet in the fashion you propose you have some serious work ahead to make it work.


Well-Known Member
there you are.

Yess 3 feet, and that light will be cool tubed. The cool tubes will be connect together so the top light will have ducting running to the bottom light, I dont get how you can say its a problem when you just saw that,

Give me the benifit of the doubt and make another estimate..
You never mentioned on running cool tubes ,until just now .

Whatever you posted for me to see comes up as a red X ,no pics or links.

I dont know what you want to hear,if you get that much production then thats great,you asked for estimates & hopefully you expected estimates based on experience because thats what i gave you,estimates based on what i pull off in a full sized air conditioned humidity/climate controled room,maybe im just a bad grower :confused:.

All the best.