Double Bucket Growing


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I've posted here from time to time and I wanted to see your input on this...What I'm talking about is stacking 3.5 gallon or 5 gallon buckets with the top one having many holes drilled in the bottom. I am speaking on soil growing. I have had quite a few crop outs with my T5 high-output 8 bulb 4ft setup with many great results. I've only grown in buckets with no drainage holes drilled and still had great results. But since I stacked them and drilled holes I've seen a much more rapid growth. I've been using Gorilla grow vegetable and shrub soil for many many of my grows and had good results. I am also using General Hydroponics MaxiGro for my Veg and Humboldt Nutrients Bloom for my Flowering..I've also tried drippers but wasn't satisfied due to lack of mobility of the buckets so I switched back to hand watering. Any Input on This Subject is greatly appreciated.. Happy Growing Friends!


Well-Known Member
so you put soil in the bottom bucket, and then a full 5 gal on top with a plant? what exactly is the benefit from this?


Well-Known Member
I guess your just getting a bigger root zone by what your doing....never heard of stacking 5gal buckets mostly prob because of height issue but ive heard of coco cubes being stacked but thats lil dif. Whatever works I guess. But you know you can get the same root mass by using a wider growing media vs a deeper and will bush your plant out more vs growing vertically deep. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Sorry lobster I wasn't that clear the top bucket has the soil and the plant that way the water will runn off thru the soil and drain into the bottom bucket.


Well-Known Member
The organic: the root mass is greatly larger. When I drain the runoff I have a huge rootball coming out from the holes. There not like hydro roots either there thick roots.