dots on leaves slowly drying up...from overwatering? piks


Well-Known Member
k so i got this cheese and the leaves look droopy and some leaves are slowly dying with dots on them... only thing i can think of is that i may be overwatering, just want to confirm so heres a couple of piks.



Well-Known Member
Looks like low PH and over watering. Try taking a pencil around the edge of your pot and aerate the soil to get some oxygen to your roots. If it an over watering problem, they should perk up from this. Also, go buy a soil PH meter if you don't have one. They have cheap ones at wal mart. They aren't perfect, but they will give you a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Well i have been using a liquid ph tester, and adjusting my water to about 6/6.5.. although the soil could have been gradually getting lower and lower since i havnt ever checked the ph of the soil... Could flushing it sort it out since i dont have money for a soil ph meter? My water is naturally about ph 7/8 so it should raise the ph up a bit... and il try that pencil trick out, thanks.


Active Member
Thats a pH problem, dont worry about the soil pH, I never do, just watch the pH of the water going in, I never even test run-off or the soil (those soil pH sticks suck and so do the drops for water, you cant get closer than about 1 full point with the drops) Also looks overwatered. Let them dry out, then water with pH 6.4 water/nutes from now on.

Running a pencil down by the roots could do more harm that good, just give them a few days to dry out before you put anything else in there.


Well-Known Member
Thats a pH problem, dont worry about the soil pH, I never do, just watch the pH of the water going in, I never even test run-off or the soil (those soil pH sticks suck and so do the drops for water, you cant get closer than about 1 full point with the drops) Also looks overwatered. Let them dry out, then water with pH 6.4 water/nutes from now on.

Running a pencil down by the roots could do more harm that good, just give them a few days to dry out before you put anything else in there.
what he said.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys thanks, im going to let it dry out and then flush with ph d water... thanks for your help.


Active Member
In my opinion you have a fungus...your humidity may be too high. I would suggest picking up a bottle of Garden Safe Fungicide3 from Home Depot. This is a fungicide, insecticide, miticide and is suitable for use on vegetables. I've had very similar leaves in the past and this worked for me. Of course the humidity issue was addressed as well. I'd remove worst portions of the leaves (if they're crispy they aren't coming back) then spray the plant as directed on the bottle. While it may or may not resolve THIS issue, it certainly won't hurt your plants and is good to have around. Good luck


Well-Known Member
In my opinion you have a fungus...your humidity may be too high. I would suggest picking up a bottle of Garden Safe Fungicide3 from Home Depot. This is a fungicide, insecticide, miticide and is suitable for use on vegetables. I've had very similar leaves in the past and this worked for me. Of course the humidity issue was addressed as well. I'd remove worst portions of the leaves (if they're crispy they aren't coming back) then spray the plant as directed on the bottle. While it may or may not resolve THIS issue, it certainly won't hurt your plants and is good to have around. Good luck
it could be a combination of both, because it still looks well overwatered to me.


Well-Known Member
About the pencil, I should have mentioned you should be VERY gentle and how you should stay on the edge of the soil. Or just wait, but it worked wonders on my plant in a matter of hours. And about soil PH. Before I bought my soil meter ($18.99) I was testing my water and adding PH up to get it in the 7.0 range. My plants looked like yours, so I bought a meter. Even after using 7.0 water, my soil was real low (around 5.0). My next few waterings I used about 10 times as much PH up as I had been using and about 3 times as much water, and finally got my soil to 6.2. They perked right up about 2 days later. If it wasn't for the meter, I would have kept watering with water that was doing nothing to control the soil PH, so go get one!