Dont take lsd to trip balls


New Member
Really people not cool;-) do it with something else

Lsd is and shouldnt be toyed with

Reason i post this ppl asking me for it just because they know it will make you trip and know nothing more ;-(


bud bootlegger
lol.. funny stuff time.. do you know where i can get any lsd at? i want to trip balls.. lol.. i kid, i kid.. :)


bud bootlegger
and hey tim, did you see that thread about the dude who thought he overdosed on lsd?? i was thinking of you when i read it, and thought that maybe you could help shed some insight on his situation..


Well-Known Member
who died and made you the boss?

people should be able to do whatever they feel like doing.

if you cant handle the drug then dont do it.

i know people that take 8-10 hits every weekend and they know how to react to it, they dont freak out and do some crazy shit.

if your that type of person thats gonna freak out then you shouldnt be doing any mind altering substance besides smoking weed.


New Member
Lol im just a person behind a computer. When lsd shows you youll know what i mean;-) till then bon appetit

Yeah i read that thread... but im done with my story. It just seems i get rideculed for not being able to handle my drugs. So yeah not really worth it


bud bootlegger
Lol im just a person behind a computer. When lsd shows you youll know what i mean;-) till then bon appetit

Yeah i read that thread... but im done with my story. It just seems i get rideculed for not being able to handle my drugs. So yeah not really worth it
nah dude, i'd never ridicule you for what ever reason.. i thought it was rather mature of you to come to some of the conclusions that you did after and to make some of the changes that you've made to your life as well..
that's never an easy thing to do, so i applaud you and your decisions honestly.. :)


New Member
Yeah the people with the third eye understand me. But the ones who get fucked up every weekend seem to think its a joke

You and michael phelps and a few others ubderstand me. Im glad<3 its nice to be able to share experience with people that have seen the true meaning with lucy


bud bootlegger
Yeah the people with the third eye understand me. But the ones who get fucked up every weekend seem to think its a joke

You and michael phelps and a few others ubderstand me. Im glad<3 its nice to be able to share experience with people that have seen the true meaning with lucy
yah, well, you said it tim, those who have been there understand where and what you went through.. those who are simply looking to get fucked up don't understand, nor do they care to ...
but why would you really care what those types of people have to say tim?? you're way beyond them anyhoo's.. it's all about growing and learing, no matter what they tool is, but of course you already know this my friend.. :)


Well-Known Member
Well LSD is a teacher to be respected and a friend to be played with. I personally trip major balls with LSD and at the same time while I'm running through 10 foot tall fields of grass I'm gonna make sure I listen to what the LSD wants to teach me.


when i use Lsd my self i think of it as a sprit journey or a walk in the spirt world see things as they are the truth behind strings a fredom that can only be found in ones own mind ..ive seen the world with out time ive seen and understand the soul closer to my higher self because of it ...almost Zen in a since ...but people think now and days it should be used as a party drug somthing to have a "GOOD TIME ON" and its not if you are not ready for a transcendental experience ..than i agree this not the drug for you


New Member
Trip balls but tripping balls everyweekend is pointless.

I want to make a state
ent. Its my own personal opinion but i feel i can meditate and expierence the whole teaching and learning whati am better with ketamine

A 150-200mg dose and i just have so much info its crazy. Easy to process but it comes at you fast.

I feel k is better than lsd. But my opinion nor do i think anyone would agree with me lol


Active Member
when i dose at festies, i'm looking to trip balls. i don't think that lucy is something that should be put in a box, i say do with it what you will.


Well-Known Member
Half the fun of LSD is the great insight on life it gives you, at least for me it is. I've taken LSD before to help me come up with solutions for major problems, it hasn't failed me yet. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy being really high and tripping while on lucy as well.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm... Been a long time since I tripped with the L. Most was a quarter or half a hit strong. I see why people would take many hits at a time if it is still so weak.

I would advise those who wish to try LSD to do mushrooms instead. More reliable and for me no freak out. Actually I would say just smoke some trippy sativa and leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm... Been a long time since I tripped with the L. Most was a quarter or half a hit strong. I see why people would take many hits at a time if it is still so weak.

I would advise those who wish to try LSD to do mushrooms instead. More reliable and for me no freak out. Actually I would say just smoke some trippy sativa and leave it at that.
Yea, I like mushrooms more than lucy but I do lucy more because mushrooms are never anywhere to be found.


New Member
I like shrooms more also

Theres a special quality about god grown psychedelics that man made cant touch

However 4 aco dmt is a great replacement for boomers