Dont know what it is, maybe several things at once...


Well-Known Member

can u plz have a look and tell me whats wrong?

Picture 11 is from 2 days ago.
The bottom leaves r getting brighter. Over like the past 5 days.
Aside i think it was ok.

I yesterday transplanted in a bigger bot and moved it closer to the led fixture.
The soil in the new pot is perlite, good gardening soil and a little compost.

Now yesterday one leaf got like that brown as shown in 3rd picture.
Because of that i moved the lights higher again.

Today it looked as in the rest in the pictures. The leaf got worse -2nd picture, like a big chunk gone.
Picture 5th shows like another issue that is going to come.

Can u help me? I looked at the stickies and guides.
I might think that brown leaf is from like heat/light burn. And the leaves getting brighter from N defiency. But i thought the soil, compost combo is pretty rich, so im not sure at all.
Leaves hangig maybe transplantation shock or overwatering. But atleast in the garden/outdoors when i put a plant in the ground/new soil one of the first things to do is watering...



Well-Known Member
Hold on. What is your ph? Before you go killing them by pulling some kneejerk thing here. What medium are you in? What type of water do you use and what are the ppms? Lots to consider here. Could be a bunch of things. What is good gardening soil?

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
Where did you get your compost? If I've learned one thing on this forum about leaf discoloration, it's that there can be lots of different problems that exhibit the same symptoms. Getting some soil numbers as the previous post recommends would be a good start.

Compost can be the best thing or worst thing for your plants. Several years ago, the local compost that most gardeners use around here, started killing everyone's plants, and no one could figure out what was causing the problem. Turns out that something in the compost had extremely high levels of boron - an important plant nutrient at proper levels and toxic at high levels.


Well-Known Member
Thx a lot for your answers.

Its called universal gardening soil is made from a plant here that takes ur garden stuff and all and makes soil out of it.
The compost is from my garden.
Medium is like 60% soil, 10% compost, and 30% perlite.
I cant measure the pH, i just got some pH paper, but kinda does not work to measure soil with it.
Water is tap water.

I have 7-3-6 nutes with some other stuff in it, i was waiting for an answer wether i should give them some.
As I said i transplanted into a bigger pot with new soil n stuff, so i wonder if that would be a good idea...
In just the plain "universal soil" i grow 1m tomatoes in pots outdoors without adding anything but water. I use that soil pretty much all over the garden and its good. Some veggies i grow with a mix of soil and compost as well. But the brighter getting leaves at bottom looked like begining N def to me. As I put it in a new pot maybe that recovers? If it now gets the nutes it needs, probably how Long would it take to see the Situation is getting better?

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
If the soil you are using works for tomatoes, then it's probably just fine for your girls. I've been growing tomatoes for more than 20 years, and most of my growing technique is based on that experience. Do you have multiple plants, or just one? If you have more than one plant, you might try a little scientific experiment with one as a control (just watering when needed) and another one adding some diluted fertilizer. If you notice a difference in the development between the two, then you have a good idea of how to proceed. Did I understand that you noticed the problem only after transplanting to the larger pot?

If the underlying problem is corrected, then you should start seeing immediate improvement in all NEW growth. I've never seen yellowing leaves or dried brown spots turn green again, so paying close attention to the newest growth and previously healthy green leaves is your best indicator.


Well-Known Member
the problems got worse and even other plants were affected: one big cause of all that too much light and some point unfortunately it got really obvious...Im using 80W DIY leds on them...but some X!$§$" told me to put them as Close as possible at the fixture and was talking about like 5cm. I had it like 10cm, but still much too Close. But u gave me the most important hint so far, i didnt know at all:
I've never seen yellowing leaves or dried brown spots turn green again, so paying close attention to the newest growth and previously healthy green leaves is your best indicator.
Thank you very much for that! Because a lot of leaves r going to hell... but it has (at least for me) ok looking new growth. Unharmed new small leaves. I see that as a sign that i fixed the Problem, though they look like shit. Most annoying: friggin tomatoes right next to them totally unharmed. Is there maybe something else, the 2nd Picture the leaf texture on the left, i think ive seen that in "plant diagnosis sticky"

