don't have any idea on what to title this o_O


Well-Known Member
If you fill up your pipe go out side with it being 18 degrees"here" will it make the smoke smooth and cool?? or will the flame cancel the cold air out? any one have any thoughts???:leaf::leaf:

mmm i'm blazed bongsmiliebongsmilie

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
That would depend entirely on the pipe . For instance how long is the pipe?, how thick is the glass?, is it a bubbler?, Was the pipe sitting outside before you packed it? Without knowing these details all I can say is that colder is better. If you want cool smoke put ice in your bong or water from the cooler into your bubbler! That way you can stay inside where its nice and warm


i dont think so at all

ive smoked in the freezing cold before and your lungs react to cold when you inhale but you really are feeling freezing air and burning smoke at the same time...its not as good as it sounds


Well-Known Member
Really depends on how killer the weed is and how high you already I would like to try some of that flaming weed that sounds like the bomb..HAAAHAAA..........I'm HIGH>>>