Don't harvest a pound every 3 weeks..

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wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Alright, since I was chastised on another thread for, "invading" their thread and casting dispersions on their idiocy... Who else thinks that anyone who is not producing marijuana for medical purposes and still wants to harvest a pound every 3 weeks isn't a lame ass motherfucking drug dealer, who shouldn't be calling anyone lame, or talking down to anyone in society?:fire:

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Surely someone must want to read this thread and comment either negative or positive...I am guessing negative will be the most responsive.:)

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
mabey yes, mabey no. if one needs to support many, and all resources are extinguished then YES because no one else is gonna help. but if one feels the need to endulge him/herself in such actions without the need then the funds wont get circulated properly and tend to accumilate which in turn promotes attention. live fast die hard.

their is hypocracy everywhere just look closer
weed is not a drug, but u called someone a drugdealer. who side are you on?
a drug is manufactured by man, hemp is not!
NO BEEF! just the T R U T H!!! and it may hurt.


Well-Known Member
i think your a lame....the majority of weed smokers are NOT medical smokers and do not grow. your saying that nobody should grow these people thier weed. where did you get your herb before you started to grow/got your card? the only reason you think pot dealers are bad is because the govt says pot is a is not. what about tobacco farmers(not Big Tobacco, the individual farmers just trying to feed thier family), do you feel that all cigg smokers should grow thier own or get fucked?

now if your talking about the tony montana-types trying to take over the pot-growing world, then maybe there is some credit to what you say. but there are plenty of productive members of society growing dope to support thier family. fuck these are hard times economicly, if you can make a living at something without hurting anyone(who do pot farmers hurt?), then more power to ya.

and i agree with ragged....whos side are you on.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Lmao, you say hemp is not a drug? That I can agree with, "Hemp" is a plant grown for use in making textiles and other things. However, we all know at this site that "Hemp" is not what we're talking about. If you wish to delude yourself that's fine. Try smoking some Grade A pure "Hemp" and see how that works out for you. I refuse to be talked down to by people who wish to grow way more than they can ever use personally without valid reasons. If you grown for yourself, you and some friends etc have at it all day long. I take exception with these people growing tons of extra and selling it so they don't have to be contributing, tax paying, members of society. Now if it were legalized and everyone had a level playing field the people who grew crappy smoke would be left out in the cold, but as it is anyone who grows the worst buds can still profit and not be taxed because of the current circumstances with laws. I am not against smoking, growing, eating, etc anything to do with marijuana. Quite the contrary, I want it legalized so I and millions of others don't need to worry about getting caught, or paying for the imprisonment of those who do. What I do have contempt for is those who feel they will grow and sell marijuana illegally and profit from it without contributing some of that profit to the system, which despite their best efforts they are still part of. Again, if you're completely delusional and think you are above, beyond, or outside the system..try getting hurt or being a victim of a crime and get back to me about how you want no part of society.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
By the way so you see where I am coming from: nicotine (read cigarettes), alcohol, sugar, caffeine, etc are all DRUGS!~ Spin it as you will, they all affect parts of your brain in positive and negative ways. For you to say because it grows naturally it's not a drug is you justifying your beliefs. I am not against drugs at all! People have been altering their own realities as long as they have been able to do so. I'm fine with that.


Active Member
wannabegrower...You are a complete moron! nobody on this site even cares about your personal feelings twards"drug dealers". Most of us here actually apreciate our "herb dealers" Anyway, why shouldn't people be compensated for their efforts. I think herb dealers should make money, a lot of time and effort goes into producing quality herb. Why dont you go find a site that will appreciate you opinion. If you are lonely and just want to argue, craigslist has a "rants and raves" section filled with high strung idiots like you. GET LOST!


Well-Known Member
okay, first off i wanna take a step back so this can be more like a debate than an arguement. i dont want to fight, just better understand what your trying to say.

i think your buying into stereotypes too much. most pot farmers DO pay taxes and are functioning members of society, its kinda a key part in not getting busted. and im sure ragged wasnt talking about actual hemp when he used the term.

i dont really understand your statement about being the victim of crime or being hurt, i dont see how this related to pot growing.

Kash Krop

Well-Known Member
What an elitist snob attitude.You grow all you want,or can, and justify it by your own standards while putting down others with needs,or wants,greater than your own & call them dealers on top of that.
Two words,

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Just gonna let this rest for a while. I can see I've attracted some late teen early twenties people who've yet to live life and raise families. A lot of threads on this site and others are about growing ridiculous amounts of marijuana for personal gain, that's fine. What other place can you buy some product and not be taxed? It's great for those who are growing. You pay for start up costs: building your room, buying some seeds/clones, lights and nutes, and most importantly taking the risk to do so. Unless you're lucky enough to win the pot growing lottery by living in California or Amsterdam you are doing so illegally. Even in Cali, you're still illegal under U.S. law, but the state has sort of given up on pursuing you if you're small. My main concern is not that you grow or use. Again, for the fucking retards that seem to just state the obvious over and over again. I want people who sell any drugs to pay into the pool that the rest of us have to. If Javier X. gets shot selling weed on the corner you and I are paying into the health system that takes the bullet out and nurses him back to health. Meanwhile, that prick has given us nothing because he is currently outside the system.


Well-Known Member
wannabe grower...are u seriously coming on a marijuana website and saying that growing weed to sell to people for recreational purposes is wrong? not everyone can grow their own...hence the occupation of a dealer. not everyone wants to put the work in or has the time to put the work they buy from growers/dealers. some growers have to harvest pounds of weed every few weeks simply to keep up with demand. a lot of people smoke a lot of weed...and we all have to get it somewhere...without dealers there wouldnt be a "cannabis culture" so to get off of your high horse. please.


Active Member
Let it rest forever! Find a new site! Your the kind of moron i used to beat up for being a smart ass! I wish i could meet you in person as to see how much you have to say then.....p.o.s
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