don't buy gas on may 15


Well-Known Member
oh my, well it isn't cheap for sure but still a lot cheaper then in Europa, they face $10 and more per gallon, so what should they say to $3 per gallon? they probably will kill for that price!


Well-Known Member
they pay six cents a gallon and we subsidise the rest.Thats our tax dollars
Thats iraq anyways
first of all is gas more costly then in the us, about $6 per gal, and secondly, the only way in iraq to fill up is to find a black market dealer which sells you a few gallons for up to 10 per gal. how cheap does that sound to you?!:evil:


Well-Known Member
I seriously think we should try and conserve the gas we have and not pump. I know I wont but then again my car is wrecked. Not going anywere with or without gas.. lol But I know alot of my friends wont. Seriously. If there was such a big gas shortage then wouldnt gas be similr prices nationwide? Over heres its $3.15-3.19 about. If it hits $4 im gonna be pissed. Gas was $2.10 when I got into my accident. A few months ago. Heres a funny thought tho. The day after this "gas strike" can we all pay for the gas in pennies? lol Seriously I did that once and it pissed them off. And if they refuse to accept the money sue them for not accepting legal money. As long as they do not have a sign that says they cant accept it im pretty sure they have to. Altho I think they have trhe right tro refuse servicwe but u have some-what of a case there. Kinda like spilling McDonalds cofee on your self xD


New Member
state taxes add on 20-30 cents a gallon. we drill in alaska so we dont have to get as much from the arabs. if oil companies were allowed to drill in the gulf of mexico we would be even less dependant upon the arabs. we cant use the gulfs full potential because of environmentalist democrats. now if you want to blame bush for the gas prices thats cool. it just shows how ignorant you ppl truly are. because after all we went into iraq for the oil right? and not because we promised our help in desert storm and because we didn't help 100,000s iraqis died in the revolt. and surely not because iraq is a perfect staging ground for the war on terror. and just so you know. yes al quida was in iraq before the war began and yes saddams ppl had ties to them...and the wmds.. we gave it to them so yes they had them but before the war saddam moved them... if you dont like the gas prices which no 1 does then sit your pipe, bong, joint, blunt, or whatever else you use down and write your congressmen and senators and demand a ch


Well-Known Member
everyone is an expert and bush is a dumbass its all fashionable these days. jihadis laugh at you guys who actually help them spew thier propiganda.

Iv lived all over the middle east saudi arabia jordan etc. and ill tell you what one day one day all your betty's and all your julies are gonna be masked and beaten and stoned

to me its all a cycle. Hitler with nukes. everyones an expert but i wounld,nt trust nan o you apeasers to protect my family because when the shit hits the fan these guys will be no where in site in fact they will try to convince themselves that they were always for democracy. you will just have the crying of women and children, left ringing in your helpless ears

the democrats would rather put america in decline and leave the evil dictorial despotes to grow thier power just for thier own party progression. I belive these men are traitors, dim witted and also cowards

dont forget it either!!

you and your good time buddies!!! you wanna legalize weed??? shit negro wait till your not allowed to listen to your favorite mix tape. if it wasnt for america having to sacrifce its brave sons to battle in the constant fight for freedom most (not all of the) misguided scared and pushover europians would argue about doing somthing until the sky is filled with fire.

the french wanted proof that iraq was a threat before USA went to war, the last time the french asked for evidence that there was a threat, guess what? it came rolling through paris flying a german flag!!

god damn pacifists. you guys turn the other cheek while I make sure no one dares to hit you again my freind if not for you then for you children. I love you guys and forgive you for being ignorent to threat. im sorry to say but if you dont kill some people in wars you will end up killing all the people.

you have to be an adult and realize people always have and always will die in wars until we can have freedom across the world. and even then we will still have to battle evil men who want power and riches as always. this is not a fairy tale. im sorry to break the news to you

hey let the americans pay more why not right??

you can take your globel warming bullshit back to where your favorite scientist gave it to you. fact is humans are hardly responsible for 1 - 4% of emissions to the earth. infact cows farts creat more global warming than all the cars on earth.

the earth warms and cools all the time its in the geologic record. some people just believe the hype. i dont believe nothing less I have proof and reliable sources.

we will run out of easily getable oil way before we could destroy the earth for human habitat.

if you want to address the real problem its us destroying ourselves with these damn nukes. if we manage to prevent that, next would be huge population growth which cannot be sustained therefore you have mass famine and desise

anyway lets get blazed im done

Well, I feel nothing for the big oil companies. They fuck up the earth and frequently fuck up indeginous people just so they can get to their oil. And they make obscenely large profits which rarely benefit their ordinary workers while their CEO's are paid millions. In the US they have been in bed with the Republican party for years, and bankrolled Bush's 2 election 'wins' (take a look at what is happening in Alaska right now - Bush has given them permission to rip up one of the most beautiful, unspoilt and supposedly protected parts of North America - that is their payoff).

But guys it has to also be said that Americans should pay a little more for their gas to help the planet. Americans are used to very low gas prices and presidents go to great lengths to keep it that way - including making wars on innocent people. But these low gas prices are unsustainable in the long term. America pumps out 25% of all the worlds pollution. Yeah, that's A QUARTER. Prices need to be set more realistically to get this figure down. Of course the current higher gas prices in the US are not the result of some wise policy by monkey boy Bush. They are the result of unrest in the Middle East due to his spectacular fuck-up there, but that's another story.

I dunno.. anyone agree with me or am I just spoutng bullshit?


Well-Known Member
maybe something totally odd, whats about buying a smaller car or a car with a smaller and efficient engine? i drive a 130HP turbo charged diesel that goes about 50-55 miles per gallon even if i hush it a bit and still its top speed is about 125-130 mph. how far do you get per gallon???


Well-Known Member
maybe something totally odd, whats about buying a smaller car or a car with a smaller and efficient engine? i drive a 130HP turbo charged diesel that goes about 50-55 miles per gallon even if i hush it a bit and still its top speed is about 125-130 mph. how far do you get per gallon???

that true I would be down to do that but its dangerous to have a small car in an accident so they maybe should have a few lanes for large cars and trunksand make the majoriy of the lanes for the small efficient cars ass an insentive get them,

gas prices would get lower quikly


Well-Known Member
[LEFT said:

everyone is an expert and bush is a dumbass its all fashionable these days. jihadis laugh at you guys who actually help them spew thier propiganda.

Iv lived all over the middle east saudi arabia jordan etc. and ill tell you what one day one day all your betty's and all your julies are gonna be masked and beaten and stoned

to me its all a cycle. Hitler with nukes. everyones an expert but i wounld,nt trust nan o you apeasers to protect my family because when the shit hits the fan these guys will be no where in site in fact they will try to convince themselves that they were always for democracy. you will just have the crying of women and children, left ringing in your helpless ears

the democrats would rather put america in decline and leave the evil dictorial despotes to grow thier power just for thier own party progression. I belive these men are traitors, dim witted and also cowards

dont forget it either!!

you and your good time buddies!!! you wanna legalize weed??? shit negro wait till your not allowed to listen to your favorite mix tape. if it wasnt for america having to sacrifce its brave sons to battle in the constant fight for freedom most (not all of the) misguided scared and pushover europians would argue about doing somthing until the sky is filled with fire.

the french wanted proof that iraq was a threat before USA went to war, the last time the french asked for evidence that there was a threat, guess what? it came rolling through paris flying a german flag!!

god damn pacifists. you guys turn the other cheek while I make sure no one dares to hit you again my freind if not for you then for you children. I love you guys and forgive you for being ignorent to threat. im sorry to say but if you dont kill some people in wars you will end up killing all the people.

you have to be an adult and realize people always have and always will die in wars until we can have freedom across the world. and even then we will still have to battle evil men who want power and riches as always. this is not a fairy tale. im sorry to break the news to you

hey let the americans pay more why not right??

you can take your globel warming bullshit back to where your favorite scientist gave it to you. fact is humans are hardly responsible for 1 - 4% of emissions to the earth. infact cows farts creat more global warming than all the cars on earth.

the earth warms and cools all the time its in the geologic record. some people just believe the hype. i dont believe nothing less I have proof and reliable sources.

we will run out of easily getable oil way before we could destroy the earth for human habitat.

if you want to address the real problem its us destroying ourselves with these damn nukes. if we manage to prevent that, next would be huge population growth which cannot be sustained therefore you have mass famine and desise

anyway lets get blazed im done
all i say to this: BULLSHIT
the war is about oil, not WOMD or peace § democracy! that is way no plan existed to withdraw from iraq, boots on the ground - boots on the oil, that is what it's all about. more cheap oil for bush's buddies which push the gas prices even further up and gettin their asses fatter on our money.
and you know who builds the camps in iraq? the same family, that son declared war on the western world, the bin laden's! what a beauty, isn't it?:twisted:

and if you call me a limp ass pacifist, boy, hell gone come for you!:evil:

and to the cows, well lets all eat them up or it less beef in general, less cows and pigs that fart around, plain and easy.



Well-Known Member
that true I would be down to do that but its dangerous to have a small car in an accident so they maybe should have a few lanes for large cars and trunksand make the majoriy of the lanes for the small efficient cars ass an insentive get them,

gas prices would get lower quikly
its a full sized ford station wagon build in europa, almost victoria sized, believe me, it is a lot safer car then you will get if it ismade in the states. they sell it as ford mondeo, i think made in germany.


New Member
all i say to this: BULLSHIT
the war is about oil, not WOMD or peace § democracy! that is way no plan existed to withdraw from iraq, boots on the ground - boots on the oil, that is what it's all about. more cheap oil for bush's buddies which push the gas prices even further up and gettin their asses fatter on our money.
and you know who builds the camps in iraq? the same family, that son declared war on the western world, the bin laden's! what a beauty, isn't it?:twisted:

and if you call me a limp ass pacifist, boy, hell gone come for you!:evil:

and to the cows, well lets all eat them up or it less beef in general, less cows and pigs that fart around, plain and easy.

i see no proof just a fool and his rhetoric.i encourage you to learn how to think for yourself and to not believe everything you hear on tv.better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt


Well-Known Member
shit what is that saying, never talk about politics or religion or somthing.

i cant spell is there a spell checker in this thing ?

ok lets talk about religion................jk


Well-Known Member
Well we have already basically threw the, dont buy gas for one day thing out, because they will buy it the next day. So I have a new idea. What if we all just boycotted one of the major gas companys. That wouldnt be hard at all, just tell everyone to stop going to that certain place. That company would either go bankrupted, or lower its prices. When it lowers its prices its going to force all the other companys to lower there prices, otherwise they will stop getting business. We would have to set a certain price however. Say once gas gets below 2.00$ a gallon we will buy from them again.

To me it wouldnt be hard at all, there are so many gas stations, that it wouldnt be hard to just not go to a certain one. We just have to find out the biggest gas company, and get everyone to just boycott getting gas from there.

Grow on growers : )


Well-Known Member
Hey look. We pay tax to our governme nt when we earn it and when we spend it. Why the fuck shoudl we spend money to make them rich ass bastards? They never cared about us.. its about the money... yeah i know that we could use better cars. I use a 4 cylnder. I get ok gass millage but still when im filling up once a wek on $30 easily and i only make $220 and then u figure in the repairs its cheaper to not have a job at all.. o.o

We have alternative cars.. put them on the market. Hydrogen, Electric, even compressed air cars.. I dont think the government wants that because they loose trillions of dollars a year in paycuts.. those loosers


New Member
i say we go back to using horses. but then instead of complaining about the fkn gas prices ppl will bitch about everything smelling like horse shit. 100 yrs agp they made electric cars but it took too many batteries to make em go. too bad they didn't stick to that idea eh?


Well-Known Member
i see no proof just a fool and his rhetoric.i encourage you to learn how to think for yourself and to not believe everything you hear on tv.better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt
well it is a fact that the bin laden's own the biggest building company in the middle east and they been the biggest contractor to the pentagon in that region until 2004/5 and are back in business now under a few different names. the bin laden's build a construction empire in the middle east since the late 40's early 50's, that is a fact if you like it or not. and family members showed up on osama's son wedding party, so the ties are still active:roll:

secondly, if you place an army into a region without a plan to withdraw then this is plant occupation, nothing to rattle on this i think.

third, what was the first action after Baghdad was free? army secured the oil ministry and guarded this against the looters. there was not much else to secured besides the oil wells and refineries. example: the national museum of Baghdad, it been totally destroid by looters and the lack of GIs standing guard after they took down iraq police. i thing this proves the intention was heavily focused on the oil and nothing else.

it hasn't been openly admitted by the white house but there are to many facts pointing in only this direction to have any considerable doubts left for me.:roll: and calling me a fool due that i say it as it is... well:mad:


Well-Known Member
did you know they wanted to call the iraqi war operation

"operation iraqi liberation" but decided not to because it would be O.I.L. for short:mrgreen:

thats true. so they ended up calling it "operation Iraqi Freedom" O.I.F

anyway think about it. if all we wanted was the oil it would have been much cheaper for us to buy it from Saddamn. rather than spending billions upon billions. guess what all the lucrative oil contracts have been awarded to companies from China and the like. USA has got screwed in that area.

binladin group is the largest co in Saudi Arabia. Binladins father basically built saudi arabia from the ground up during the first oil discovery times. his son osama is one of 50 yes 50 children mothered by several wives. he is just a runt out of the pack. to suggest that the company is corrupt because of osama if false. he has been banished by his counrty and denouced by his whole family., they dipise him or bringing disgace and on this family and business empire. binladins sister actually posed nude and hates he brother. does that mean that the bush administration and the pentagon are into the whole porn industy because she one of the hundreds of binladin family members posed nude?

I think not. so all im saying is dont just scratch the surface of the facts and convict. you need to know all the details.