Hello there guys, just posting this real quick to see if my bud plants can regrow. This morning i woke up and realized my two dogs jumped into my growing area and ate 3 of my four veg- stage weed plants, I will upload pictures of how my bud plants were left by those two lil bast... Do you guys think they will regrow? if not then ill start over again. i have some seedlings growing up real good. what shall i do? as you can see, 3 out of four plants were completely chewed up, one of the plants had just a couple of leaves and steams cut of however it wasn't as bad as the other three.



Well-Known Member
bahahahahhahahahah lol.. what kind of dog?

What a weed fiend!! lol once it got a taste, it had to eat em all.... lolol


Well-Known Member
Your bigger plant will be alright, those seedlings are most likely fucked though.

I have a min pin that I have to keep a close eye on, she hates pot smoke but loves to eat buds and fan leaves.

Edibles don't do much for me but they seem to be her thing lol
so i might as well plant my lil seedlings and discard the damaged ones. too bad they were doing so great big and green, now its all that's left a green stick sticking out. im so damned pissed off at my dogs 2 months of hard work put into the trashcan.


Well-Known Member
Your bigger plant will be alright, those seedlings are most likely fucked though.

I have a min pin that I have to keep a close eye on, she hates pot smoke but loves to eat buds and fan leaves.

Edibles don't do much for me but they seem to be her thing lol
Careful bruh, that stuff Is real tough on liver/kidneys for dogs. Kidneys especially on little dogs


Well-Known Member
Careful bruh, that stuff Is real tough on liver/kidneys for dogs. Kidneys especially on little dogs
Oh yeah. I had two wiener dogs when I was younger and my brother fed one a roach and it fucked her up. She was acting like she was drunk, she couldn't walk. Parents took her to the vet because we didn't tell them what happened. Vet charge us for some bullshit and held our dog for the night. Dog was fine the next day but you can tell it fuck her up in a bad way.

Midwest Weedist

Well-Known Member
Careful bruh, that stuff Is real tough on liver/kidneys for dogs. Kidneys especially on little dogs
That's actually not true. Although dogs (obviously) shouldn't consume as much cannabis as humans do - difference in body masses - they are 100% fine to consume cannabis. In fact, the two cases in which two dogs passed away after eating cannabis are not a clear indicator that cannabis was the cause. Because the butter was also consumed in larger amounts than are healthy for a dog.
Yes cannabis does goes a drop in heart rate in canines, but it does so in humans as well. The lethal amount for them is staggeringly high, and usually only obtainable through cannabis that has been decarboxylized as their liver wouldn't be able to metastasis it into the psychoactive form unless it was decarboxylized.
That being said, I still don't suggest giving your animals medibles. Blow it in their faces and give them raw bud all you want, just watch the edibles :)


Well-Known Member
Who the fuck doesn't decarbolized their weed before its used in edibles? That shit happens when you cure right?

Im not interesting in arguing every tiny aspect of animals and cannabis. Cannabis toxicity is a real thing for animals that weigh 6 pounds.

Its a real thing for dogs that weigh 90lbs

My point is that if your animal has unsupervised access to bud, or your feeding your dog recreational cannabis, it can absolutely lead to short term or long term health affects

they dont rregulate their dose and their are tons of problems thzt can arise in a dogs health from any sub symptoms from the toxicity.

Seizures, dehydration, vomiting, gastro intestinal inflamation, etc.

Which can all present longer term problems.

Will it for every dog? No. But why risk problems


Well-Known Member
That's actually not true. Although dogs (obviously) shouldn't consume as much cannabis as humans do - difference in body masses - they are 100% fine to consume cannabis. In fact, the two cases in which two dogs passed away after eating cannabis are not a clear indicator that cannabis was the cause. Because the butter was also consumed in larger amounts than are healthy for a dog.
Yes cannabis does goes a drop in heart rate in canines, but it does so in humans as well. The lethal amount for them is staggeringly high, and usually only obtainable through cannabis that has been decarboxylized as their liver wouldn't be able to metastasis it into the psychoactive form unless it was decarboxylized.
That being said, I still don't suggest giving your animals medibles. Blow it in their faces and give them raw bud all you want, just watch the edibles :)
Refer to above post

Midwest Weedist

Well-Known Member
Who the fuck doesn't decarbolized their weed before its used in edibles? That shit happens when you cure right?

Im not interesting in arguing every tiny aspect of animals and cannabis. Cannabis toxicity is a real thing for animals that weigh 6 pounds.

Its a real thing for dogs that weigh 90lbs

My point is that if your animal has unsupervised access to bud, or your feeding your dog recreational cannabis, it can absolutely lead to short term or long term health affects

they dont rregulate their dose and their are tons of problems thzt can arise in a dogs health from any sub symptoms from the toxicity.

Seizures, dehydration, vomiting, gastro intestinal inflamation, etc.

Which can all present longer term problems.

Will it for every dog? No. But why risk problems
Whoa, no argument from me about this. I was simply trying to state that canines can safely ingest cannabis. Of course it's possible to have toxic amount t present, which is why I mentioned the difference in body mass.
No, decarboxylization occurs when the cannabinoids are heated above a certain temperatures, which is almost always going to happen when you process it into food/edibles. If you eat a bunch of weed straight from your jar or off the plant, you might get less than 1% of the possible psychedelic effects, because even though the cannabinoids are (if harvested correctly) in their delta form, they're not in the form that our livers require to be processed into a psychoactive format that it can metastasis. Because eating and smoking cannabis will cause two different chemical processes in your body, believe it or not. You'll get a whole load of good stuff for your body eating it raw, but you won't get "high". People claim they have, but science shits all over their anecdotal claims.

Anyways, I never meant to imply that cannabis is 100% safe for animals. Nothing is absolutely safe for anything. I did however mean to imply that it is safe to give it to them in responsible doses.

Again, no argument from me (= I just wanted to clarify the subject a bit.

Midwest Weedist

Well-Known Member
aight, easy folks, the main subject here is if you guys think my plants can regrow or not after being eaten by my two dogs.
If I were you, I ditch the two that are nothing but unfortunate sticks. The other smaller one that has some foliage could pull through, but it'll take probably just as much time as if you popped another bean. So if you have more genetics of that plant, I'd say toss it. If not or you want to save it for another reason, you're all good. The larger one will make it for sure, I've been rougher on vegging plants on accident and they were fine.

(apologies for sparking some drama)


Well-Known Member
Hello there guys, just posting this real quick to see if my bud plants can regrow. This morning i woke up and realized my two dogs jumped into my growing area and ate 3 of my four veg- stage weed plants, I will upload pictures of how my bud plants were left by those two lil bast... Do you guys think they will regrow? if not then ill start over again. i have some seedlings growing up real good. what shall i do? as you can see, 3 out of four plants were completely chewed up, one of the plants had just a couple of leaves and steams cut of however it wasn't as bad as the other three.
My mentor has some big ass Alaskan Malamute use that stay in his house. they Have gotten hold of his crop And finished product on several occasions. But he loves those dogs like kids he won't get rid of them. There's always a lot of hair and his stuff also. That's why I'm not getting any dogs near my stuff.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather have lost a few plants when my dogs were pups compared to the 2 couches and living room carpet they ate a 3 foot strip out of :)