Dogs are creatures


Well-Known Member
I ounce was dog sitting for friends. Two Mini Pins. I just got back from a walk with them and wnet and had a shower. ten mintues later when I get out of the shower I open the bathroom door to see that BOTH of the fuckin dogs had shit and pissed in front of the bathroom door. I fucken FREAKED on those stupid mutts. they were loked in thier cage for the rest of the day. fuckin things!


Well-Known Member
how come dog owners come off so violent? "oh, my dog would eat your cat." that's just fucked up. i never directed any harm, just a personal opinion. tough guys need dogs. HA HA

if dogs were so smart then they wouldn't need to be trained. i keep hearing it's up to the owner.........exactly. because, i feel, dogs are stupid. :)
Good dogs only need to be trained for 2 reasons:

1.) so they understand their place in the pack, which is also needed to make sure their aggression is not aimed at others within it's own pack ( you , your wife, kids, etc. )

2.)They are living in MY house. It is up to me to teach them the difference between what is acceptable and what is not. If I do not teach them, and they chew up the legs of my coffee table, then it is my fault.

Dogs don't need to be trained to function, the are trained to fit into society. Cats have many of the same bad habits as dogs ( tearing up things they shouldn't, potty training, etc. ) and you are training them even if you don't realize it.

P.S. I love dogs. I don't hate cats. Can't we all just get along.


Well-Known Member
Good dogs only need to be trained for 2 reasons:

1.) so they understand their place in the pack, which is also needed to make sure their aggression is not aimed at others within it's own pack ( you , your wife, kids, etc. )

2.)They are living in MY house. It is up to me to teach them the difference between what is acceptable and what is not. If I do not teach them, and they chew up the legs of my coffee table, then it is my fault.

Dogs don't need to be trained to function, the are trained to fit into society. Cats have many of the same bad habits as dogs ( tearing up things they shouldn't, potty training, etc. ) and you are training them even if you don't realize it.

P.S. I love dogs. I don't hate cats. Can't we all just get along.

fdd dogs are pack animals. we domesticated them. we have to show them who is the pack leader. dogs are stupid? no! i would call their actions trying to the pack leader.


Well-Known Member
but dogs are always so happy. my silly cat just lit his ass on fire. he jumped up on my desk, where he is not aloud, and rubbed up against my candle. good thing i blew it out and hes fine. just some singed hairs. but iy yiy yi... then he knocks all the shit off of my desk trying to climb the walls. walls are burlap bc comps in attic. but i love my kitty.. and i miss my puppy. i like to have both. :)
my stoner kitty has NO whiskers. when i try to light my bowl she gets so close to the lighter and bowl, that it burns her whiskers. funny shit.:mrgreen:
shes just like 'hey whats going on up there. is it my turn yet?'