Doggies nuts seeds


Well-Known Member
i seen that the new additude site has a new breeder on their called DOGGIES NUTS SEEDS... Has anyone heard of them or tried their strains... for some reason their realy expesivie.. just wondering if the extra money for them realy pays off or what...any info on them


they've been around and overpriced for awhile now.... i've heard of only one person on here ordering from them... and he never followed up. i would imagine that they are an absolute rip off; if they were worth the price, we would all know of them.


theres one for like 400 somthing quid, what a complete pisstake

"pukka seeds" is another company with outrageous prices/claims..... im sure they dont make many sales, but at $400 for 10 seeds, i would imagine it doesnt take too many sales to stay afloat