Does weed go bad after awhile?


Active Member
Brought a big bag last year and because we only smoke really on weekends it's lasted right upto now with just the dregs left , it smells more like Hay now though and the effects don't seem to last as long and just overall make me want to fall asleep. I was thinking does the THC effects wear off the older it is? It must surely. Also if the THC effects wear off the older it is would that mean it stays in your system for alot less time ? I've heard anywhere between a day to a week before you are safe to drive again if the police pull you over and decide to drug test for THC.

dwc rebel

Brought a big bag last year and because we only smoke really on weekends it's lasted right upto now with just the dregs left , it smells more like Hay now though and the effects don't seem to last as long and just overall make me want to fall asleep. I was thinking does the THC effects wear off the older it is? It must surely. Also if the THC effects wear off the older it is would that mean it stays in your system for alot less time ? I've heard anywhere between a day to a week before you are safe to drive again if the police pull you over and decide to drug test for THC.
yes thc degrades over time. the best place to keep bud is in glass jars. i believe it turns into (cbn) and yes still test positive and stay in your system for 30 days.


Active Member
It all comes down to the question of how you stored it I suspect.

Stored right, the weed should pretty much continue curing. Thus get better with age. Tobacco gets better with age, like wine, and stuff like that, but only if its stored right. Like a fine wine, if its not stored properly for long term it can spoil. Not saying your weed has spoiled, but if you notice a degree of degredation over time etc...

For longer term storage, I'd use an airtight or vacuum storage system for the bulk, and seperate out amounts to last a month or so, that way you're keeping the main stuff in a dark, low air, low humidity environment. Oxygen is what spoils things, so might be worth having a look online for some better storage methods - you get containers for the longer term storage of food etc, they'd be a good bet for keeping your stash fresher for longer etc. If you're also operating one main bag and dipping into it regularly, that disturbs the buds and in theory you could be lowering potency by ruffling the buds that you haven't got down to smoking yet.

Its not just about the THC, its about the CBD and hundreds of other little chemicals. CBD is believed to be responsible for the physical stone. THC gets you high, but its not the be all and end all, as someone who likes the physical I often have more interest in the CBD values, its also one of the reasons those of us who like it heavy wait for the trichomes to turn amber before we harvest.

If you get drug tested by the police at the roadside etc, and you're sober and haven't smoked that day or the last few days, just act surprised and say it must be passive smoking from a mate who does smoke. If I find myself in that situation, I'd blame my brother ... he smokes "funny tobacco" and I really don't approve of it ... occifer, lmao


Im not sure if it goes "bad" but its high/stone tends to change. Im actually consuming the older stuff right now but its not too bad because it was glass jar kept. :-P


Active Member
Amen to glass jars, least you know where you stand with them, plastic makes me paranoid of tainting etc. Glass is also harder for elves to break into at night, when they're doing their dancing n' playing flutes n' shit.


Active Member
We keep it in jars with some of those little moisture absorbing bags in them also. That's the right thing to do isnt it?


Active Member
Yeah man, sounds like you've got it sorted. A year is a long time to spread a single stash, so its kinda to be expected. Next time you have a lot, try seperating it, so you disturb the main stash less. Also keep it in a dark place. Ideally if its a head high you're looking to maintain rather than the physical, consider vacuum bags to hermetically seal the bulk ... just like cheese etc comes when you buy it from a store ... air removed and totally sealed, you can buy a household one for quite cheap on eBay.


Well-Known Member
Brought a big bag last year and because we only smoke really on weekends it's lasted right upto now with just the dregs left , it smells more like Hay now though and the effects don't seem to last as long and just overall make me want to fall asleep. I was thinking does the THC effects wear off the older it is? It must surely. Also if the THC effects wear off the older it is would that mean it stays in your system for alot less time ? I've heard anywhere between a day to a week before you are safe to drive again if the police pull you over and decide to drug test for THC.
Yes. It is strain dependant mostly for the atual shelf life. Also how you store it is a factor as well. No just the thc effects are not as strong as it was originally. How long thc stays in your system is based on your metabolism.