Does This Sound Correct


Active Member
Hi All,

Is it possible to grow in the perlite/vermiculite mixture and by manually watering every say 3 -4days with required nutrients.

My localhydropincs store says all i need is the nutrient mixture and i canwater it myself as it needs it.

No pumps- nothing else

can it be done like this....

Many Thans

Very Newbie grower..:confused:


Active Member
nothing worng with soil - just to prevent insect infestation thats all . and quicker growth.

please elaborate on the practical, if you dont mind. i cant find set ups for hydroponcs? in here


New Member
cuz the "lites" don't hold moisture. you'll have to water every couple of hours. and that means mixing nutes and lugging to your plants outside in the hot sun. you WILL forget and they WILL die. now soil is golden. hydro is so easy. can you say "ebb"? how bout "flow"? man, you can build your own setup for like $40. get wise.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Of course you can hand water hydro plants, I do it regularly. You'll want to have a larger amount of medium so it will require fewer waterings, but you will have to water 1/day because of the heat and plants needs.

I don't know about perl/verm though, they are both light weight. I use 6 inch rockwool cubes.

HTH :mrgreen: