Does this mean P.A. might go legal?


Well-Known Member

Philadelphia - Pennsylvanians for Medical Marijuana (PA4MMJ) is pleased to announce that the PA House of Representatives Health and Human Services Committee will have hearings on HB 1393, The Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act.

Scheduled in Harrisburg on December 2, 2009 these will be the first public hearings on medical cannabis in the history of the Commonwealth.

On April 29, 2009 Rep. Mark B. Cohen, the Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, introduced the bill to legalize medical marijuana. HB1393 is solid legislation that would allow registered patients to grow six plants or purchase cannabis through Compassion Centers. A provision in the bill allows these medical cannabis sales to be taxed.

AIDS patient and medical marijuana activist Barry Busch, founder of PA4MMJ.
Barry passed away on July 11, 2005, before he could see a
Medical Marijuana bill introduced. HB 1393 is named for him.

Representative Cohen has taken on the issue with courage, drive and a real understanding of patients needs. At a press conference at the bill's introduction Cohen said, "It's time to create a new, honest image for marijuana. One as a form of treatment that when prescribed by responsible doctors could help thousands of patients across this commonwealth."

Three newspaper Editorial Boards endorsed the bill immediately after it was introduced: The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Pocono Record and the Daily Review of Towanda.

The topic of medical marijuana has been well covered this year by local media. Rep. Cohen and spokespeople from PA4MMJ have appeared in television programs on the radio and in newspaper articles covering the issue.

The December 2nd hearings will feature PA patients who have the tremendous courage to tell their legislators about their personal experiences finding benefits from cannabis therapy. Medical professionals and other experts have contacted PA4MMJ and expressed their commitment to testifying at every stage of the legislation.

Volunteer advocates Derek Rosenzweig, Ed Pane and Chris Goldstein have been interacting with legislators including Representative Frank Oliver who chairs the twenty-six-member HHS committee. Overall reaction to the bill by elected officials has been positive and filled with curiosity.

PA4MMJ hosts a website that includes a detailed look at the legislation, medical marijuana information and action points for volunteers. The group is still seeking those patients and professionals who wish to testify.

PhillyNORML and PA4MMJ hosted a series of medical marijuana information seminars over the summer and held a candlelight vigil was held in front of Independence Hall on July 11th. Awareness and fundraising events for HB1393 are planned throughout the winter. Please visit


Well-Known Member
that sounds pretty hopeful.. perhaps obama will listen to the AMA and decrease the federal scheduling of weed - that would really encourage states to go ahead and relax..

all the way to schedule 5 i imagine since IV requires that "Control measures are similar to Schedule III. Prescriptions for Schedule IV drugs may be refilled up to five times within a six month period." still not cool for weed.. barbiturates (downers) are at this level....

sched 5 says "No controlled substance in schedule V which is a drug may be distributed or dispensed other than for a medical purpose." interesting.. this could be the federal stance for now - this would bring the level down to "Cough suppressants containing small amounts of codeine" and "Preparations containing small amounts of opium or diphenoxylate"

interesting that this is the very first hearing in PA for medical pot.. at least now the good evidence and agreement has piled up in its favor..! :)


Well-Known Member
I've read a bit about the bill. It sounds like a terrific proposal for the state of pa, but i don't think the bill will pass this time around. From what i understand, the senate majority leader (R-Pillegi) isn't in favor of it. I don't know if you're from Pa. but it's a very republican state with democratic majority in urban areas. The governer (D-Rendell) is pushing for table gambling at the moment, and i'm sure if the MJ Bill was passed by both houses, Rendell would gladly sign it. Gotta get over that republican hump in Pa... another bitch about Pa... it's a commonwealth state so the laws can get a little fcked up. BUT EVERYONE NEEDS TO HOP ON BOARD AND EMAIL YOUR CONGRESS AND SENATE!!!!!! more people need to visit the NORML site