Does this hobby make you feel good about things in general.


Well-Known Member
How does sucessfully tending your garden make you feel,to me it's cool as fuck to take something from nothing,then help/watch it grow into something beautiful,when i look at my garden i cant help but be happy as hell & feel as if im doing something good,something thats needed & helpfull.

I went to my garden yesterday & had a shit load of nug's,i felt like a proud father sitting there drinking in the smell of the room,the garden was perfect & needed no attention so i had nothing to do, i cant just run right back out the door for fear of drawing attention so i just sat there,looking at how great shit is,aaaahhhhhhhhh,it's an awesome feeling looking at the fruits of your labor isnt it ??

I dont know,maybe im too old & fucked up to enjoy most shit but when i tend garden it brings out something good in me,sitting there chillin out,looking across all that green & seeing the young fruits i felt like a little kid again on xmas eve,wondering what's in all those box'es under the tree,i cant wait to see how each bud develops through it's life,kinda like looking at snow flakes knowing that no 2 will be the same.

This might sound like a pussy post from a man reaching retirement age but i could not care less,i took 2 decades off from growing & now that im back im glad i did,not for the cash or the free smoke but for the feeling it gives me about myself.

I just wanted to know if there are others who feel as attached or connected with their gardens as i do.
I feell hella good when i accomplish getting all my plants to grow good. For example, when i grew some flowers (some people thought it was gay), i felt koo because i usually dont acomplish anything and i gave life to something. When i grew my plants ( my weed) i felt that i was like a king and i got a natural high just thinking of it... FO SHO.


Active Member
I want to say that I am not a seasoned grower but I am a cannibis extremest that has now entered the world of growing, and I cant express how I feel your internal passion for the plant and how it develops. i humbly envy your passion and I totally connect with your feelings and love for the plant. i wish u bountiful reapings from the seeds you sow.



Well-Known Member
I have too been bitten by the garden bug:-) There is something about just playing in the dirt and keeping your crops pruned/trimmed that makes me feel like a kid again. It's amazing something so beautiful can from something so small. So all in all i can relate to how you feel. Amen Brother:-)



Well-Known Member
As a newcomer to the Cannabis culture, and to growing... I can say one thing that describes my feeling when I am around my plants... PEACE.

Nothing is more relaxing and rewarding then sitting in my grow room and just admiring the plants. Today I was in there for over an hour, completely spaced out in my own little world and it felt like it was a 5 minute endeavor.

Call me crazy, but the plants can feel the love. I watered them today, and misted them and waited for the leaves to try before I replaced them under the HID, breathing on them and generally enjoying the accomplishment that so many make out to be an impossible and detrimental feat of growing cannabis. They grew today more then I've ever seen them grow in an afternoon.

Watch the TV show WEEDS on Showtime. There is one specific episode, where the character CONRAD gets the main character to experiment with cannabis for the first time. They had two hours to kill and she asked him what he does on his night shift at the grow house... He turned the chairs in the kitchen around and pointed them at the plants (which were only light up in green light) and said "What I do every night, watch the grass grow."

I could sit in the room for hours because it is a closed environment. Nothing more rewarding/peaceful in my life right now.


Well-Known Member
Gardening is one of the most beautiful practices on this earth, i feel the same way,when i can escape all the bullshit and ugliness all around and just sit there and enjoy one of the most relaxing enviroments around - the garden. so jus to let u know man, u dont sound crazy in your appreciation for the plant- keep showing the love and it will be returned


gardening and growing in general.. gardening is in my blood line i take great honor and pride in not only my cannabis plants but my rose bushes my crab apple trees and everything else i grow. your not gay for growing flowers. it takes a real man to hand a woman a flower he grew himself!! i agree full heartedly! there are few things better than enjoying the beauty of a garden grown with heart!!!


Well-Known Member
Not too often in the world you'll meet as many good people as you do with the affiliation of Cannabis Culture...

Good thing its illegal an illegal practice :-?. If anything, me being sober should be illegal because I am much more productive to society while smoking.


Well-Known Member
I feel awsome now that a certain event happend in my life that includes the use of cannabis. i feel as if im growing a wonder in the closet!

Its actually really fun too!


Active Member
I'm very close to harvest time on my first grow and let me tell you, this is becoming quite the addicting hobby. It is such a rewarding and enjoyable experience. I'm sure once I smoke the fruits of my labor it will be even that much more rewarding and exciting. Because of Cannabis mainly, I've become fascinated with horticulture and how plants work in general. I now have an interest in general gardening, and am working towards that green thumb status. It is a blast, and I can't give this forum enough credit for what it has done to spark my interest. If only all the haters knew...


Well-Known Member
I love my secret garden. I, too, find myself staring at my plants. Breathing in that smell. I love the fact that no one gets hurt when I grow my own.

I long for the day I can take it all outside and grow outdoors without fear.


Active Member
There's nothing like gardening. Of all my hobbies, I have to say this is my favorite. There's something about fostering life, tending to it, helping it along, that really puts a smile on my face. To me there's no difference between taking care of my plants and taking care of my dogs. They are both living creatures that require and deserve attention and care.

If I thought I could actually sustain myself growing I would quit my job in a heartbeat :)


Well-Known Member
you guys make me feel a weird nausea clenching gay feeling in the pit of my stomach when you get all warm and gooey about fostering or instilling life through weed

could just be that fat brownie i had tho


Well-Known Member
you guys make me feel a weird nausea clenching gay feeling in the pit of my stomach when you get all warm and gooey about fostering or instilling life through weed

could just be that fat brownie i had tho
Why so,it's called taking pride in what you do with your own 2 hands.

Next time i'll start a thread about chasin ho's,makin cash & smokin blunts,that way nobody feels gay :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I dont care what people say it is a great feeling. Bringing something from a seed to smoke is such a sweet thing to see. It is a great sense of accomplishment and just makes you feel good to tend to the plants.

Oh and that Weeds episode is great... I too would turn my chair and just sit and watch my plants grow, especially in a room the size of what they have.


Active Member
I'm glad 2 c this thread. I wondered if ne boddy out their felt as i do about growing and takin pride n ur growing. I manage 2 tend 2 my plants about 8 times a day. Just sitting in my room searchin on the internet for any possible solution for ne diffencies in my plant,also ne thing 2 help improve the beauty of my Plant . Because n the end it is all worth it, Its then u c all the effort u put in Ur Plant. Myself, i Lve 2 grow ne thing that makes me Feel at E, and growin marijuana def does the trick. :wall: :arrow: :weed: :arrow: :mrgreen: