Does taking acid or shrooms make weed seem boring

Maui Waui

Active Member
ive been wondering if taking shrooms or acid makes it so that when you smoke all you can think about is how much better it would be if you were on LSD or shrooms instead cus i know that now everytime i drink all i can think about is how much more enjoyable it would be if i was high instead


Well-Known Member
No, it won't be boring going back to pot after tripping. In fact it's kind of nice to have your basic cannabis high to turn to as LSD can get intense and having weed is just your basic high. You can't do acid everyday (I've tried) but you have your "daily" weed. It's your staple if you get my drift. Shrooms and acid is just a trip but then you come back to semi-reality with weed.

Maui Waui

Active Member
ok thx for the opinion cus so far this concern has been the only thing that has stopped me from trying it, simply based on the fact the love pot and would be quite upset if when going back to it i found myself craving a different high


Well-Known Member
Smoking weed while on mushrooms (havent ever done acid, sorry) really is quite different. Same effects, but while your smoking it feels so much better and "wider" or "louder". Tough to describe. Anyhow, nothing makes weed feel lame, unless you just dont like weed. No other "drugs" carry the same effects really........


Well-Known Member
Not only will nothing ever replace it, when mixed with other stuff, it always helps the overall experience for me


Active Member
I can tell you for sure that it doesn't. Like ANC said only smoking too much each day will make weed seem boring.

I usually trip on Shrooms, or Acid (when available) around 2-3 times a week, but I smoke all day everyday. I love smoking when I'm tripping as it always mellows me out 10X from what I was, and enhances the visuals quite abit. When tripping on some rather rough Cid, it always seems to take that "edgy" feeling off of my mind. The day after tripping, nugs don't seem to hit me as hard as what they normally would, but after another day passes things go back to normal. It's kind of like being hung over, weed won't hit you as hard on those days either. Otherwise, Bud is an everyday staple of life, like food or water, nothing could ever replace it or negate its effects for me. :peace:


Well-Known Member
P.S. mixing shrooms and weed is asking for trouble, I have realised pot has a way of turning shroom trips dark.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
P.S. mixing shrooms and weed is asking for trouble, I have realised pot has a way of turning shroom trips dark.

I always smoke a little, it chills me out so I can just relax, and it quells the empty/hollow stomach feeling.


Well-Known Member
For some reason,, I could never roll up a joint/blunt whilst on acid. idk why. also weed didn't do shit for me on acid, neither did drinking beers.


Well-Known Member
Never had acid, but if u took shrooms everyday compared to cannabis. Ya I think ur life might be a little different. Definetly not boring:)


Active Member
P.S. mixing shrooms and weed is asking for trouble, I have realised pot has a way of turning shroom trips dark.
This is true for some people. I have a friend who that happens to everytime he smokes, whilst tripping. Doesn't seem to happen to most people though, that I've seen anyway. I have had a few Bad/Dark trips on shrooms, but I would attribute that more to my mindset at the time that I ingested them. I've had hardcore 10-strip acid trips before that really had me freaking out pretty badly. When someone would finally get me to calm down and smoke, it would always put my mind back in balance, and allow me to enjoy the trip again. Bud pretty much just mellows me out, and makes the trip better by taking the "edge" off. :peace:

For some reason,, I could never roll up a joint/blunt whilst on acid. idk why.
I usually have the same problem. :lol:

Maui Waui

Active Member
sounds good looks like ill probably be tryin it now at least once and mabey make it a once or twice a year thing, as this was the only fear for me goin into it that i would get hooked on the harder high and not enjoy pot when goin back to it


Well-Known Member
sounds good looks like ill probably be tryin it now at least once and mabey make it a once or twice a year thing, as this was the only fear for me goin into it that i would get hooked on the harder high and not enjoy pot when goin back to it
Harder in terms of what? Intensity? Then yes I agree with you. But if you are referring to weed as a soft drug and shrooms and acid as even a moderately hard drug in terms of safety and risk of OD then you are completely wrong.

Maui Waui

Active Member
ya i was referring to intensity because i was worried that i would want a more intense high whenever i got stoned, but if its a completely different thing then i can see the lsd high or shroom high as being a different high instead of a better high


Active Member
I've done shrooms once so far, and I smoked like 15 minutes after eating them, so I started to get high then I began to trip, and it was one of the best experiences of my life, but I still love going back to smoking, cause it is two different highs and I wouldn't want to trip everyday, but I still want to smoke everyday for sure


Well-Known Member
i think if anything you will appreciate a smoke more after experiencing shrooms/ lsd especially the day or 2 after you come down