Does smoking worsen Depression?? serious question.

The Happy Camper

Active Member
For my own reasons, I need to find out if smoking MJ actually worsens someones depression. I have been smoking for about 4 years now and I dont have depression to begin so its hard for me to tell. I can say I don't feel sad or suicidal if a stop smoking and i definitely do not feel that way when I am smoking. So for me personally, I say smoking weed does not cause depression or worsen it. I know people who will tell me it worsens it, but they are not going off of personal experience.

Bottom line, does any one know if smoking mj can worsen your depression? Does anyone have depression who can honestly say they continue to smoke knowing it makes them more and more depressed? Or is this something that's just different for everyone possibly? I do need serious answers, not just extreme weed activists who say there's NOTHING bad about weed answers.



Well-Known Member
It' varies from person to person. Sometimes if I feel bummed or worried about something it can make me feel better. There are times I feel depressed (not often) when I just don't feel like smoking....and the few times I've smoked anyway like that I didn't really feel better and just wanted to go to sleep.

Really, you answered your own question by saying it's different for everyone


Your question is not an easy one to answer. You are in a medical state, so talking candidly with your doctor about the meds you take (including MJ) is the safest bet. I'm betting Colorado is similar to California. Ask a pro Medical MJ doctor and you'll get one answer, ask a non MJ doctor and you are likely to get another. The medical MJ universe is a joke. It's particularly comical in California. Almost every symptom that MJ is listed as an active treatment (anxiety, sleep) can also be listed as an adverse side effect. Nevermind the discussion about trying to determine an accurate dosage with edibles and the like along with trying to control quality and effects. Most of the time, the 19 year old stoner at the dispensary is offering his own anecdotal information; "Dude, you gotta take the cranberry jojo monkey strain for pain, it totally works." What a bunch of crap. One of the reaons I grow is that I can control what goes in and what comes out.

For anything other than recreational use, accurate dosing is a problem, consistency in determining effects is a problem. These factors are not a problem if you are just using MJ recreationally because you are not attempting to treat medical symptoms.

My advice as a non- doctor? I read up on everything I can, talk to doctors and look for objective opinions. Then I make up my own mind. Will MJ effect your depression? Maybe, maybe not. Will it interfere with any medications you are taking? In some cases, it does. I have friends who won't partake at all because they know it interferes with their medication. In these instances, depression will be made worse.

The great thing about MJ is that compared to other physically dependent drugs, its easy to stop. You can take a month off and reset. I no longer partake every day, partially because I believe it was inducing or making depression worse. There are defined common effects, but as with most reality altering substances, individual experiences may vary. A clear head is a beautiful thing and all things in moderation for me.

In any case, you shouldn't be smoking. Vaporize or controlled edibles are the way to go. Wish you the best and I hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
For my own reasons, I need to find out if smoking MJ actually worsens someones depression. I have been smoking for about 4 years now and I dont have depression to begin so its hard for me to tell. I can say I don't feel sad or suicidal if a stop smoking and i definitely do not feel that way when I am smoking. So for me personally, I say smoking weed does not cause depression or worsen it. I know people who will tell me it worsens it, but they are not going off of personal experience.

Bottom line, does any one know if smoking mj can worsen your depression? Does anyone have depression who can honestly say they continue to smoke knowing it makes them more and more depressed? Or is this something that's just different for everyone possibly? I do need serious answers, not just extreme weed activists who say there's NOTHING bad about weed answers.

cannabis may worsen depression. or it may not.

it would be silly to pin depression as a cause of purely one thing.

the best thing you or anyone you know can do if you feel you meet the symptoms of depression is to see a psychologist.


Active Member
i dont think it makes it worse....but it makes you think more...
I think this is right on the money. It makes you think more so a depressed person is more likely to think more about the shit that makes them depressed in turn worsening there depression.


Well-Known Member
It may worsen someones depression and improve another persons. It depends on the mental state of the person. We are all not equal.


Well-Known Member
if u smoke too much it wont help u.. the less u smoke the higher u get. and getting high doesnt mean u might not stil think about ur problems but you should think about how you can fix your problems


Well-Known Member
We all feel like crap from time to time ,smokers and non smokers. Learn to deal with it instead of blaming the 'beautiful plant'.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Weed does not effect me deep enough in my psyche to cause/repress any form of depression :?

It's weed people.... If you think about something hard enough, you can make it true in your mind.... Even if it doesn't make sense to anybody on the outside..


Well-Known Member
Well when I don't have weed I feel depressed and think it will help so I get some and smoke it and am too busy laughing at everything that it doesn't matter that I'm depressed.

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
Its got a lot to do with the sub-conscious and intrusive thinking. If someone has problems regulating his thought process, and already has anxiety problems, it can worsen, depending on the environment he's in.
It also depends on the type of marijuana, strong indica's make me critically thinky.


Well-Known Member
If you wallow in your sorrow and you smoke a bong in bed or the couch it's not going to make you magically happy, I find a healthy body and some light medication lead to a happy mind. When I lived in boulder I would start my morning in my hammock with a spliff and a coffee looking out over the plains. Have myself a short meditation and awareness session then go for a mile or two run.