Does Marijuana Cause Cancer?


New Member
No I'm pretty sure cigarettes are a lot more likely to cause cancer with all the shit the government puts in them... except for American Spirit.

It can fuck up your lungs though like any other kind of smoke can... I knew a guy who smoked about 2 ounces a week and he had developed lung problems. Still does. But inhale that much of any kind of smoke and thats what happens...

PS: dont ask stupid questions like that.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Really the largest risk is from Upper Respiratory infections (ex: bronchitis). But this is mainly due from inhaling something that is very hot rather than the chemicals in Marijuana. Just use a vaporizer or a bong and this risk is reduced immensely, because the temperature is reduced so much.


Active Member
You know scientific studies will never prove shit because the person running the study is not just doing it so that people will have more info, it's because they're biased and are wanting to prove their opinion. Marijuana hasn't been "proven" to cause cancer but neither has cigarettes, yet we all know they do. Why do you think they're able to put "Cigarette smoke MAY increase your chances of lung cancer"? Because technically it can't be legally proven that it does. There are also lots of studies saying marijuana does and doesn't cause cancer. But there are people that have gotten lung cancer that smoked only marijuana. Just everyone needs to realize that what they read is normally going to be off from the truth.


Active Member
And something wrong with that one guy's study he thinks is special is that it says 22,000 joints. At a pack a day you'd reach 22,000 cigarettes in THREE years. That study is totally and utterly worthless, cause personally I don't know anyone that got lung cancer after smoking cigarettes for 3 years.


New Member
Go to youtube and look up

"run from the cure"

Marijuana cures cancer, it doesn't cause it. Smoking plant material is bad for you, but if you ingest the THC in ways other than smoking, it cures.


New Member
Apparently you aren't a big reader, did you miss the part where I said "ingest it in ways other than smoking"?

Please try to pay attention....... :roll:


Well-Known Member
weed is the cure for cancer . . . as far as I'm concerned. it's the best one we have yet . . .


Active Member
wow, i don't think there would be such a legalization movement if marijuana caused cancer now would there?

Ive had hodgkins lymphoma before (cancer) and my oncologist told me there is NO association with marjuana and lung cancer.


Well-Known Member
I was listening to a CBC radio show about a year ago maybe that said that smoking pot does lead to cancer fairly frequently. The reason for this is the way in which it is smoked. Because pot smokers take big hits and hold them in for a long time, it does a lot more damage to the lungs than smoking like you would a cigarette. So basically pot doesn't cause cancer, but smoking like a broke 16 year-old does.


Active Member
What's up with the 'if it's natural, it's healthy' - line? I've heard so many people use it, and I really can't see the sense in this; the world's most dangerous toxins, bacteria and viruses are all natural... So is CANCER, goddammit! Nature is full of unhealthy, dangerous shit, and the fact that cannabis makes you cough should be a clear indication that it isn't supposed to go down your lungs...
However, what we should be thinking about is that exhaust fumes from cars and factories affect us way more than smoking stuff... Think about how many particles you breathe in each day just walking down the street.
Sure, smoking cannabis probably causes cancer, but by all accounts, so does breathing in regular air... I'd much rather get high from the poisoning...

if it caused cancer, at least you could smoke more to help with the pain haha! (not funny, but you get it)

though with everyday smokers.. my wonderings is what about resin build up in your lungs? =/


Active Member
there was a recent study that suggested a link between testicular cancer and cannabis

im not sure what to think about it though


Well-Known Member
it's bullshit, just as all the studies saying cannabis leads to cancer in any way are.

cannabis does NOT cause cancer, if anything it PREVENTS cancer.
