Does drying bud smell alot????


Well-Known Member
I plan on harvesting in about 4 weeks and there will be about 2 pounds hopefully of bud drying in my upstairs room. My question is how can I smell proof the room so i can still have people over? Thanks


Well-Known Member
A carbon filter attached to a suitable size fan for the room. Placed in the room somewhere. Or some of that Ona crap. It is like an odor neutralizing agent. Theoretically if you are upstairs the smell should not travel down stairs but note I said "theoretically". It also depends on the strain and how strong the odor is of said strain.


2 pounds drying indoors? Yikes, it would take a hella filter for that. One thought to keep the odor down indoors is to place a fan in the window, blowing out as an exhaust fan. The most effective way is to place a box fan in the window against the screen and secure it somehow. Then, fill is the part of the window that is not covered by the fan with cardboard, being careful to make it fit well. With the fan on it effectively creates a negative pressure in the room, and will draw in air from the house and blow the odor outside. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
lol ya id imagine 2 lbs of bud would b quite odorous .. common sense.. did u grow it in or out? im pretty sure u grew outside otherwise u wouldnt be concerned.. i would have no way to know how to “mask” the scent of that ammount of bud in an indoor lmao.. anyways... good luck


Well-Known Member
im growin outdoors n hopefully this will be my first real harvest! I just dont want any company for a minimum of 2 weeks


Discgolferman said:
Tell them you got swine flu......that will keep them away.
....... im using this as my sig thank you golfman

yeah my schwag 150w HPS plant stuck up the whole house while drying