Does anyone like to get high and lift weights?


Active Member
I love that shit. I get so into it.
I can't wait to be old and lift weights in the garage. I was even thinking, and you can share your thoughts with me about this:
I'm thinking if I have kids in high school and they want to smoke weed I'm going to let them smoke with me provided we hang and lift weights. Like, get your work done, we'll roll a joint, come downstairs and lets put up some weight listen to loud music. Maybe they would respond? They are going to smoke anyway...
That would be good parenting? yes or no?


Active Member
I've thought a lot recently about Pot and how it will effect my family when I have kids. I really can't see myself allowing my son/daughter to smoke until they are 17 or 18 openly, though I will be realistic that teenagers do it and inform them about it :O


Active Member
I hear what you're saying. I just think that if you show your kid that it's not this crazy "dangerous" thing they might form a healthy relationship with it early on. However, a stoner 17 year-old is bad news...
I really think drugs are bad until you are an adult in mind and body. You need to be able to understand the dangers of it, realize the necessity to not be and idiot and use it responsibly.
However, I look at myself and I like to get high and go run or lift weights, or type on this message board, or paint, or go on a hike, or play guitar or basically do non-constructive shit, or whatever. I'm not exactly sure that's a good way to live your life, but it is one way, and I'm very happy.
I just think people who use marijuana or mushrooms, the ones that are about the experience can lead interesting lives of intense self reflection. Or, not.


Active Member
hear what you're saying. I just think that if you show your kid that it's not this crazy "dangerous" thing they might form a healthy relationship with it early on. However, a stoner 17 year-old is bad news...
I really think drugs are bad until you are an adult in mind and body. You need to be able to understand the dangers of it, realize the necessity to not be and idiot and use it responsibly.
However, I look at myself and I like to get high and go run or lift weights, or type on this message board, or paint, or go on a hike, or play guitar or basically do non-constructive shit, or whatever. I'm not exactly sure that's a good way to live your life, but it is one way, and I'm very happy.
I just think people who use marijuana or mushrooms, the ones that are about the experience can lead interesting lives of intense self reflection. Or, not.

Iam not an adult are u saying i cant understand it? but as to letting ur kids smoke when there older, yea sounds good like u said there going to anyway.


Well-Known Member
interesting discussion. I've been smoking, well my first time was when I was 13, I'm 50 now - not consistently throughout, but enjoy eactly what I like when I like now that I've grown my own. Have two kids. No they do not know. I used it medicinally. it is my leveler. I would not be harsh with them about it if they happened upon and I somehow found out. But I will not enable it either. I have learned over my time that the most important thing with pot or alcohol or chocolate or anything, the minute it starts negatively influence who you want to be and your typical daily routine of getting sh*t done, then one should probably re-evaluate what they're doing with their life. But that just my opinion. Lots of different strokes for different folks. walk on!


Active Member
Awkward. I like doing pushups after getting blazed. Gets that blood pumping, which makes me feel like smoking was more effective.

I've been thinking alot about this and parenting. But, I've got my own plans to keep it separate from the family, out of plain sight, and virtually nonexistent. Think "Pineapple Express."


Well-Known Member
i was about 13 years old when i first consumed cannabis, and i would have to say that personally i would'nt let my kid smoke until they are at least 16 yrs old and are doing good in school, And Yeah i actually like to work out sometimes when im stoned, but it seems like i run out of energy alot faster,maybe thats due to the indicas


Well-Known Member
oh yea....and I LOVE to work out blazed. its the best. a little AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin.....or maybe Papa Roach, MCR, Green Day, Simple Plan....whatever works! I find the intensity of my workouts can be improved with a good toke (not overdone) beforehand. Cheers!


Active Member
Tight...hahah..yea, sometimes I completely zone out, but for the most part, it makes it a whole lot more fun...just like it does with everything else.
I didn't smoke in high school, I'm glad I didn't in a way, however, I think if you are going to be a slacker, you are going to be one. There are lots of people doing very well and smoking daily...


Active Member
Yeah I like to smoke sometimes before working out or running. Before everything really. Who doesn't do better with a relaxed organic state of mind. Plus I think being relaxed mentally and physically always helps with matters of the mind and body. It helps to perform better and avoid injury, and can help with different types of cramps.


Well-Known Member
i had a buddy that would blow coke when we worked out...BAD IDEA.

working out stoned just doesnt sound like a great idea to me. but to each his own...


Well-Known Member
Not really, probly why i'm fat, but fuck it, I just got through X-mas and I'm on winter layoff. I work my BALLS OFF in the summer, Balance my friend, Balance. Dont need a beach body in the winter, LOL


Well-Known Member
lifting weights while stoned ????????????????/ HELL NOO
may be watch tv or play video games but lifting weights ? that would kill the whole high

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i will tell you... and this is no that i have completely switched to my organc homegrown... what i smoke i grow... i have noticed that I breathe better, i was developing a smokers cough and i do not smoke cigarttes... the cough is gone and i'm smoking way more now that i have a shit load of bud... its great


New Member
I only like energetic highs... Usually I do like 20 or 30 pushups real quick first so that my blood is pumping and I'm ready to go, and it just makes the high better.

My favorite drug in the whole world though is adrenaline. I like to smoke a good strong sativa bowl and then go to a theme park w/ friends and free fall and s***. Oh, and I quit for a month or 2 during the winter and for a couple months any other time of the year just so I dont build up a tollerance, even if I only smoke once or twice a week.


Well-Known Member
understand where ur coming from man , theres a difference between baked out ur tree n smoked n focused.
i gotta blaze up to exercise most of the time coz its a killer otherwise ( and no i cant not exercise otherwise my body will devour itself, autoimmune deficiancies for u )
once the adrenaline kicks in with the thc its bliss - least for a while
hahah u mentioning the garage n shits got me thinkin of kevin spacey in american beauty tho, rememind me to never move to the suburbs


Well-Known Member
he he all smoke cause its friggin wicked and most of you smoked from a young age..i started when i was 12...i wouldnt force it but come on...its toke with my kids whenever....and id friggin puck if i had to work out while i was high..happy tokin!