Does anyone know you grow?


Well-Known Member
its only an ISSUE when other ppl are a threat. but IMO, in a LEGAL state. BigBrother only wants thoes who are Abusing It and Avoiding Paying Taxes on all that profit. any1 doing it for personal smoke is good. I would hate Living in a STATE where its illegal and PPL Make you SEEM like Noreaga for growing a plant.
Yea it sucks...


Well-Known Member
I buy my weed at a dispensary that is right next to a police station.. but soon i'll be able to smoke the shit i grow! wooo!

R. Duke

This is Cali, no one gives a shit! But i have a legal collective for myself and 4 others so people have to know. When i was back in the Empire State it was a little different. However knowing and seeing it are two different things. And i would say it depends greatly on what kind of friends you keep. Ultimately tho, if you live in a red state as far as cannabis goes the rule of thumb is definitely " DONT TELL A FUCKING SOUL."