Does any one Know?


New Member
Hey guys got a Q? Ran in to a strange problem. About 3 months ago I forced my babies to show sex. They all ended up showing eventually. However, at different times. Some with in a couple days and others with in a couple weeks. the ones that showed first were into about the end of the 2nd week flowering, before I switched back to 19/5. then 3 weeks went by with barely any growth. So I said screw it and put them back into 12/12. No growth again for about two weeks, then BOOM! They exploded with growth! So my question is can any one tell ruffly, about what week these buds look into. I'm as week speak "technically" approaching the end of week 3 come Monday. since I switched to 12/12. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


The Growery

Active Member
you're stressing them by switching the light cycle back in forth. it's normal for a plant to not grow for a while if you change light cycles from veg to flower back to veg, especially when they're in those cycles for 2-3 weeks. your pics don't show up in your post.